Core Science
4 total works
An accessible course, comprising pupil books and accompanying photocopiable supplementary material and a separate workbook. The pupil book Core Physics is for Key Stage 3 Seperate Science. The carefully controlled language level and extensive use of images make these resources accessible to most pupils. Each double page spread provides...Read more
An accessible course, comprising pupil books and accompanying photocopiable supplementary material and a separate workbook. The pupil book Core Physics is for Key Stage 3 Seperate Science. The carefully controlled language level and extensive use of images make these resources accessible to most pupils. Each double page spread provides balance of illustrations, text and questions to support the introducation of new concepts.
Core Science is an accessible course for Key Stage 3 Science, comprising pupil books and accompanying photocopiable supplementary material and a separate workbook.
Core Science is an accessible new course for key stage 3 science, designed to be suitable for a wide range in ability. It comprises two pupil's books and accompanying photocopiable supplementary material. Core Science 2: Key Concepts is for use in year 9, and consolidates the knowledge gained in...Read more
Core Science is an accessible new course for key stage 3 science, designed to be suitable for a wide range in ability. It comprises two pupil's books and accompanying photocopiable supplementary material. Core Science 2: Key Concepts is for use in year 9, and consolidates the knowledge gained in the earlier years. All topics are revisited and extended as pupils prepare for key stage 3 SATs and the start of GCSE courses. Core Science 2 also provides differentiation, with the provision of Core material for all pupils, and Core+ material for more able pupils, allowing them to aim for higher tier SATs. A pack of Supplementary Materials accompanies this book. It includes ideas for practical activities, end-of-unit tests, photocopiable worksheets to support and extend the pupil's book, answers to questions in the pupil's book, and additional questions targeted at different ability levels.
Core Science is an accessible course for Key Stage 3 Science, comprising pupil books and accompanying photocopiable supplementary material and a separate workbook.