Book 7

The Book Thing

by Laura Lippman

Published 1 January 2013

Book 16


by Peter Lovesey

Published 1 January 2014

Book 26

Mystery, Inc.

by Joyce Carol Oates

Published 7 April 2015

Book 27

The Travelling Companion

by Ian Rankin

Published 22 March 2016

For recent college graduate Ronald Hastie, a job at the legendary Shakespeare and Company bookshop offers the perfect occupation during a summer abroad in Paris. Working part-time in exchange for room and board leaves plenty of freedom to explore the city once visited by his literary hero, Robert Louis Stevenson, and things only get better when he meets a collector who claims to have the original manuscripts of both the first draft of Jekyll and Hyde and the never-published The Travelling Companion (both thought to have been destroyed).

Then Ron meets the man's mysterious assistant, and a reckless obsession stirs inside him. As the life he knew back home in Scotland fades from memory, he desperately seeks the secret lying within Stevenson's long-lost pages...

Book 29

Dead Dames Don't Sing

by John Harvey

Published 2 May 2017

Ex-Metropolitan Police Officer Jack Kiley spent his career discerning fact from fiction. Now a private detective, Kiley has agreed to investigate the provenance of a newly discovered manuscript. Lost for decades, Dead Dames Don't Sing is typical pulp fodder: 'Hard, fast, and deadly,' according to Daniel Pike, the rare book dealer who hires Kiley. What makes it unusual - and potentially valuable - is that the novel appears to have been written by the late poet William Pierce before he made a name for himself.

Pierce's bewitching socialite-cum-model daughter, Alexandra, insists that it's genuine, but Kiley isn't so sure. Something doesn't feel right, but the deeper he digs, the more he wonders if poetry and pulp really are such strange bedfellows.

Hailed as 'one of our most accomplished writers' by the Daily Telegraph, John Harvey brings swinging London - both past and present - to life in this gripping novella.