The Art of Being a Freak

by Robin Etherington

Published 8 September 2016

Could Whippet be developing his own comic superpower?

The boys are heading off to the woods for an Explorers' Camp weekend. They'd rather be at home reading comics, but it should take their minds off the super-weird events of two weeks ago. They haven't seen Lucy since their destruction of the Snotticus, and Mossy's superpower hasn't worked since then either, so maybe it's time to move on. Lake Shore must be monster-free now! Anyway, with caveman-like Ted Recks (AKA "T Rex") as camp leader the boys will be more than safe this weekend, right?

Luckily for Simon & Whippet help is closer than they think, and their combined talent for Telling and Drawing stories is about to come in very handy indeed.

With out-of-this-world artwork by Jan Bielecki, FREAKY & FEARLESS is a fun-filled series like no other!

Bazookas for Beginners

by Robin Etherington

Published 23 February 2017

If Simon is the 'blank page' and Whippet the 'ink', then Lucy is a sword which is mightier than the pen!

While exploring Castle Fearless, Mossy, Whippet and Lucy track down the source of the comic creatures that have been wreaking havoc on Lake Shore. But what does this have to do with the Freaky and Fearless comic creators, The Library of WOW, Lucy's latest invention and Mossy's dad? All is revealed as the kids explore a new dimension of reality and T-Rex and the captain finally reveal their true identities, and join the good fight.

With out-of-this-world artwork by Jan Bielecki, FREAKY & FEARLESS is a fun-filled series of madness, imagination and adventure, perfect for fans of Tom Gates and Jonny Duddle!

The FREAKY comic world collides with three FEARLESS kids in an explosion of fun, action, laughs and adventure!

Simon Moss is just an ordinary boy who loves action comics and wishes he were brave enough to star in one. Mossy is a gifted storyteller though and his best friend Whippet is a prolific, imaginative artist who is also fanatical about comics, the really freaky ones. It's up to the world's coolest girl, craftiest inventor and smallest explorer - Lucy Shufflebottom - to kick the boys into gear as they hunt the mysterious shadowy beast that has kidnapped Mossy's younger sister.

Can they track down the monster? And what exactly is it, anyway?!

A magical, hilarious and highly-illustrated adventure perfect for fans of TOM GATES and DORK DIARIES