An English Boy in New York

by Tom Easton

Published 7 August 2014
Ben Fletcher, the master of mohair, is back . . .

As part of his prize as All-UK Knitting champion, seventeen-year-old Ben Fletcher has won himself an all-expenses-paid trip to New York . . . and to the US National KnitFair. Unfortunately, his new girlfriend Megan is (somewhat suspiciously) unable to come with him, which means Ben has the dubious pleasure of being accompanied by his family and his third-choice-friend Gex.

The other problem is, Ben's not really sure he wants to be known as a teenage knitting genius any more. His idea for a knitable hoodie could make him millions . . . or turn him into a laughing stock forever. An existential knitting crisis turns out to be the least of Ben's concerns though, as he quickly finds that his apparent magnetism for trouble has followed him across the pond. Join Ben for another hilarious misadventure, involving some overly eager Knitting Expo representatives, suspicious men in dark suits, some potential trouble from the Mob, a mix-up of epic proportions with Megan . . . and still rather a lot of knitting.

Boys Don't Knit

by Tom Easton

Published 2 January 2014

Meet Ben Fletcher, an Adrian Mole for a new generation

Ben Fletcher must get to grips with his more 'feminine' side following an unfortunate incident with a lollipop lady and a stolen bottle of Martini Rosso from Waitrose. All a big misunderstanding of course.

To avoid the Young Offenders unit, Ben is ordered to give something back to the community and develop his sense of social alignment. Take up a hobby and keep on the straight and narrow. The hot teacher he likes runs a knitting group so Ben, reluctantly at first, gets 'stuck in'. Not easy when your dad is a sports fan and thinks Jeremy Clarkson is God. To his surprise, Ben finds that he likes knitting and that he has a mean competitive streak. If he can just keep it all a secret from his mates...and notice that the girl of his dreams, girl-next-door Megan Hooper has a bit of a thing for him...

Laugh-out-loud, often ridiculous, sometimes quite touching, and revelatory about the knitting world, BOYS DON'T KNIT is a must for boys and girls...