
by Tracy Alexander

Published 2 July 2015

If she can't get justice, she'll settle for revenge . . .

When her grandmother and cousin are 'accidentally' killed in a drone strike in Yemen, Samiya wants answers. She writes emails, pesters her MP, starts a petition . . . but no one will help. A less brilliant, less resourceful or less determined girl might have given up. But Samiya won't let their lives mean nothing.
Disillusioned with her friends, her parents and life in general, she vents her anger in chatrooms, where she makes online allies who willingly loan her their skills. Her alias, Angel, is born, as is a completely audacious plan which no one will be able to ignore...


by Tracy Alexander

Published 1 November 2014

It was hard to remember when Dan starting hacking for real, but free cinema tickets were the first illicit results of a hack. By the time Dan is befriended online by the mysterious Angel he is keen for a new challenge, something so complex that it will test his skills to the limit.

Things start to unravel when there is news of a missing UAV drone over Germany. Instantly realising he has gone too far, Dan desperately tries to halt the drone's path towards London - but Angel has other plans.

And besides, once the US government gets involved, Dan's hands are full just trying to prove his innocence . . .