Hamlet in Analysis

by Meg Harris Williams

Published 1 January 2014
Revised Edition

Psycho-Analytical Process

by Donald Meltzer

Published 1 January 2008
Sets forth an integrated concept of the 'natural history' of the psychoanalytical process, viewed in the light of experience gained in the child-analytical playroom, and applied to the more complicated phenomena of adult patients.

Your Teenager

by Martha Harris

Published January 1970
The three books collected here in one volume were first published in 1969 as part of a complete year-by-year series on child development written by therapists from the Tavistock Clinic. The purpose of the series was to describe for parents the normal features and problems encountered in bringing up children from birth onwards. Martha Harris was unusually well qualified to write the books on the secondary school years, owing to her experience and training as teacher, teacher-trainer, psychoanalyst, and her position as head of the training of child psychotherapists in the Child and Family unit at the Tavistock for many years. She also co-operated with her husband Roland Harris-head of an inner-city comprehensive school-in pioneering a schools counselling service; and in addition to her direct professional experience she had teenage children at the time of writing these books. The books offer practical guidance in all the compartments of school and family life-friends, brothers and sisters, studies, leisure interests, together with the problem areas of harmful or anti-social behavior. These are set in the context of the mental and physical development of children in these growth-spurt years. In particular, parents are helped to consider imaginatively the impact of the teenager's life at school, where most of their time is spent, yet which can frequently be a closed book to parents once their child has moved on from primary education.

This volume has grown over the years as a family project of Martha Harris, her two daughters Meg and Morag and her husband, Donald Meltzer. It therefore has its roots in English literature and its branches waving wildly about in Psycho-analysis. It is earnestly hoped that it will reveal more problems than it will solve.

The Kleinian Development

by Donald Meltzer

Published 31 December 1978
This classic text derives from lectures delivered at the Institute of Psycho-Analysis, London and the Tavistock Clinic (1965-78). It is divided into 3 clear parts that examine, in turn, the writings of Sigmund Freud, Melanie Klein and Wilfred Bion.

Sexual States of Mind

by Donald Meltzer

Published 31 December 1979
A ground-breaking psychoanalytic study on sexuality which maintains its originality today, thirty years after its first publication. The book is a revision of psychoanalytic theory, starting with the work of Freud himself and including Melanie Klein's contributions on the early Oedipus Complex and the Depressive Position. But more than that, it is a metapsychological study of sexuality which provides a different perspective from more well-known ones that relate simply to a descriptive or behavioural point of view. In differentiating adult sexuality from infantile sexuality and polymorphism and perversion, taking unconscious phantasy and the notion of the primal scene as the pivotal point, Meltzer proposes a unified theoretical and clinical model which has proved of particular help in the field of the psychopathology of addictions and perversions.

The Becoming Room

by Meg Harris Williams

Published 10 December 2015
The contents of this book represent a series of experiments in dramatizing Bion's A Memoir of the Future, the primary one being an unfinished film begun in India in the 1980s and directed by Kumar Shahani, 'epic' artfilm maker, most of whose films have been produced in Hindi. The film was inspired and initiated by Bombay psychoanalyst Udayan Patel, and sponsored by the Roland Harris Educational Trust. The cast of actors included Jalal Agha, Tom Alter, Robert Burbage, Nicholas Clay, Neil Cunningham, Carol Drinkwater, Peter Firth, Nigel Hawthorne, Shona Morris, Jonathan Page (as a child), Angela Pleasence, Juliet Reynolds, and Alaknanda Samarth.The filmscript and a commentary are here included, together with a narrative poem written for Alaknanda Samarth who played the Ayah of Bion's childhood, and a playscript written for Tom Alter who played the Father. The play is due to be first performed in Bombay and Delhi in February 2016.An appendix reprints a psychoanalytic study of the Memoir by Donald Meltzer, who was closely involved in the production of the original film.The book is illustrated by screenshots from the film and the ebook contains video extracts.

Dream Life

by Donald Meltzer

Published 31 December 1984
"Dreams are my landscape", said Meltzer. In this book he re-establishes psychoanalysis as the art of reading dreams, and dream-life as the core of mental processes. Dreams are not just puzzles to be decoded, the effluence of past trauma or future wish-fulfilment; they are the psyche's attempt - with a varying level of aesthetic achievement - to symbolise its present emotional conflicts in order to re-orient itself toward "the real world - meaning external and internal reality".


by Martha Harris and Donald Meltzer

Published 1 January 2011
This volume contains a representative selection of talks and writings by Martha Harris and Donald Meltzer on the key developmental phase of adolescence, from their teachings both separately and together over many years. Similar books on this topic by these authors have existed for some time in Italian and in Spanish but not until now in English.

Meltzer in Sao Paulo

by Donald Meltzer

Published 7 April 2017
This book is one of a series that record Donald Meltzer's clinical seminars and supervisions, which were conducted in various countries on a regular basis over many years. Despite his interest in the theoretical advances of psychoanalysis made during what he termed The Kleinian Development, Meltzer believed that clinical supervision was the only way to teach psychoanalytic practice. In effect he treated supervision as an art form just as he regarded psychoanalysis as an art form. The library of his supervision work, almost all recorded outside the UK, thus forms a valuable teaching model for future practitioners, as well as demonstrating Meltzer's wealth of insight into both character development and analytic technique.Edited by Marisa Pelella Melega, with contributions by Alfredo Colucci, Celia Fix Korbivcher, Alicia Beatriz Dorado de Lisondo, Martha Maria de Moraes Ribeiro, and Paulo Cesar Sandler.

This book describes some of the important aspects of the development of infants and young children from birth to school age. It is illustrated by vignettes of scenes between parents and children and it touches on many of the questions and feelings evoked by the intense emotional relationship between parents and children.

The Claustrum

by Donald Meltzer

Published 31 December 1992
Using the Kleinian concept of projective-identification, with special reference to intrusive identification with internal objects, this work examines claustrophobic phenomena and its relations to the treatment of borderline and adolescent patients

The Psychoanalytical Process

by Donald Meltzer

Published 31 December 1978

A unique psychoanalytic perspective on family patterns and cultural educability, originally commissioned by the Organisation for Economic and Cultural Development as part of a project to develop policies and programmes that would support families in their educational task. The book integrates a psychoanalytical theory of learning with an ecological conception of how the various systems involved in the educational process are interconnected, and as such is still of great present-day relevance, both to clinical and educational practitioners and to policy-makers. It has been extensively used in many countries by therapists, teachers, teacher-trainers and social workers.

Meltzer in Paris

by Donald Meltzer

Published 7 April 2017
This book focuses on work with children undertaken by the GERPEN (Groupe d'Etudes et de Recherches Psychoanalytiques pour le developpement de l'Enfant et du Nourisson) of Caen and Paris. It is one of a series that record Donald Meltzer's clinical seminars and supervisions, which were conducted in various countries on a regular basis over many years.Despite his interest in the theoretical advances of psychoanalysis made during what he termed The Kleinian Development, Meltzer believed that clinical supervision was the only way to teach psychoanalytic practice. In effect, he treated supervision as an art form, just as he regarded psychoanalysis as an art form. The library of his supervision work, almost all recorded outside the UK, thus forms a valuable teaching model for future practitioners, as well as demonstrating Meltzer's wealth of insight into both character development and analytic technique.With contributions by Catherine Druon, Didier Houzel, Bianca Lechevalier, Ann Levy, Antoine Meyer, Jeanne Pourrinet, and Rosella Sandri.