Animal Lives: Lions

by Sally Morgan

Published 31 January 2003

Learn all about the amazing world of lions, and floow their lives from cub to adult. You'll be an expert in no time!


Did you know that a lion’ s tongue feels like sandpaper?

That there is an entire subspecies of lion living in a single forest...

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by Sally Morgan

Published 30 April 2008
This series offers an introduction to the world of animals: where they live, how they grow and learn, what they eat and the dangers they have to face.

Dive in, kids, and come nose-to-nose with a great white shark, waddle across the frozen shore with penguins, and dance among the waves with dolphins--without getting wet. Sea Creatures Sticker Activity Book is packed like a can of sardines with all kinds of cool facts and fabulous photos of...Read more

Frogs and Toads

by Sally Morgan

Published 30 April 2008
"Describes the species, habitats, life cycle, senses, and enemies of frogs and toads"--Provided by publisher.

Dolphins and Porpoises

by Sally Morgan

Published 30 April 2008
"Describes the species, habitats, life cycle, senses, and enemies of dolphins and porpoises"--Provided by publisher.

Wild Horses

by Sally Morgan

Published 30 April 2008
"Describes the habitats, life cycle, senses, and enemies of wild horses"--Provided by publisher.


by Sally Morgan

Published 27 August 2004
This series offers a fresh introduction to the world of animals, investigating the topics of habitat, conservation, animal adaptation and survival. Visually appealing, each title includes lavish full- colour photographs and world locator maps to show where each animal can be found. Ages 7-10


by Sally Morgan

Published 12 August 2005
Each title in this series investigates the topics of habitat, conservation and animal adaptation, as well as looking at the life cycle of the particular animal and the way the young survive - often against tremendous odds.


by Sally Morgan

Published 25 August 2006
This series offers a fresh introduction to the world of animals: where they live, how they grow and learn, what they eat and the dangers they have to face.


by Sally Morgan

Published 30 April 2008
This series offers an introduction to the world of animals: where they live, how they grow and learn, what they eat and the dangers they have to face.


by Sally Morgan

Published 30 April 2008
This series offers an introduction to the world of animals: where they live, how they grow and learn, what they eat and the dangers they have to face.


by Sally Morgan

Published 27 August 2004
This series offers a fresh introduction to the world of animals, investigating the topics of habitat, conservation, animal adaptation and survival. Visually appealing, each title includes lavish full- colour photographs and world locator maps to show where each animal can be found. Ages 7-10

Learn all about the amazing world of dolphins and porpoises, and follow their lives from calf to adult.


Did you know that dolphins and porpoises aren’ t fish?

That the best way to tell a dolphin and a porpoise apart is to look at their teeth?


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Animal Lives: Whales

by Sally Morgan

Published 2 June 2014

Learn all about the amazing world of whales, and follow their lives from calf to adult.


How long can whales stay underwater?

What do whales eat?

Where in the world do whales live?


Discover how whales interact, hunt and communicate in this interesting and insightful...

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