Book 358

The Wicked Truth

by Lyn Stone

Published 1 March 1997

No Stranger To Scandal

Lady Elizabeth Marleigh found protection from the hangman's noose in an outrageous disguise and the compelling embrace of Neil Bronwyn, Earl of Havington. Now she was safe from everything but her wayward heart.

No Prisoner To Passion

The Earl of...

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Book 403

The War Within Is Always Hardest Won, Lucien de Montregnier knew, for he daily battled demons from his past.

Still, his fighting prowess had won him an unexpected boon: Lady Alayna of Avenford, a hellcat with a heart who alone could save him from his greatest enemy...

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Book 428

The Flower and the Sword

by Jacqueline Navin

Published 1 September 1998
The word cut deeper than any broadsword, for Rogan St. Cyr had been played false by the woman to whom he had given his heart. Yet the beautiful Lily was still his bride, and now she would pay for her treachery with her very freedom.
Though he held...Read more

Book 447

A Rose at Midnight

by Jacqueline Navin

Published 1 February 1999

Dire Need Had Driven Caroline Wembly Into The Arms Of The Infamous Earl of Rutherford

But though she was his lawfully wedded wife, Caroline was certain the desires Magnus aroused couldn't possibly be legal . This marriage of convenience was fast becoming more - much more...

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Book 479

Strathmere's Bride

by Jacqueline Navin

Published 1 October 1999

What Sort of Governess Couldn't Govern Herself?

One who had the enigmatic Duke of Strathmere for an employer, Chloe Pesserat reflected wryly. The man drew her in with a private passion, then shut her out with a noble hauteur when propriety demanded. But what could be...

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Book 487

Book 515

Viking's Heart

by Jacqueline Navin

Published 1 June 2000

Burdened by a dark and joyless past, Rosamund Clavier would not go willingly to the altar. Indeed, if her plans held true, she would not go at all. But fate intervened in the person of a near-legendary knight called Agravar, a Viking warrior determined to save her#151;from herself!


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Book 578

The Sleeping Beauty

by Jacqueline Navin

Published 1 September 2001

Lady Helena Rathford was still deemed a plum matrimonial prize, one adventurous Adam Mannion was determined to pluck. He'd wed her, bed her, then hie to London, his prospects secure. But somehow in the wild north country that spawned her, Helena became his whole world-now and forever...!

The walls...

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