
by Michaela Morgan

Published 23 June 2005
Powerful and inspiring story of Walter Tull, in a brand new edition to commemorate the centenary of World War One. The inspiring true story of Walter Tull, who overcame a tough childhood in a Children's Home to become the first black Premier League football player and the first black infantry officer in the British Army. Particularly suitable for struggling, reluctant and dyslexic readers aged 12+


by Michaela Morgan

Published 22 October 2006
Mark knows sharks. He knows how they think, live and hunt. He doesn't know there's a hungry shark out there, right now. And it's heading his way...This is a white-knuckle adventure story. This work features: first class award-winning authors; appealing, gripping plots guaranteed to interest teenagers and provoke discussion; and top quality, age-appropriate illustrations. It is in huge demand - in 2005 over 35 per cent of 14-year-olds were failing to reach their expected standard of literacy. It also features stylish packaging; and extensive trialling by teenagers with the target reading age that ensures accessibility.

The Beast

by Michaela Morgan

Published 26 August 2004
When Robbie and Gaz hear a strange howling sound in the woods behind Robbie's house, they decide it's their chance to take a photo of a big cat and make a fortune selling it to the papers. Nothing quite goes according to plan, but Robbie and Gaz end up famous for entirely different reasons. Particularly suitable for struggling, reluctant and dyslexic readers aged 7+