Book 1

Orphan Molly Moon was found as a baby in a box marked 'Moon's Marshmallows'.

For ten miserable years she's lived under the cruel rule of Miss Adderstone in grim Hardwick House. But her life changes overnight when she finds a mysterious book on hypnotism and discovers an amazing talent...

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Book 2

Molly Moon Stops the World

by Georgia Byng

Published 5 September 2003

Molly Moon, the funny-looking orphan who once took Broadway by storm, has vowed never to use her amazing hypnotic powers again. But when she learns that a megalomaniac master hypnotist called Primo Cell is controlling the minds of famous movie stars, she has to intervene. Arriving in Hollywood, Molly,...

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Book 2

Book 3

Molly Moon, reunited with her parents, is hypnotized by a mysterious turbaned gardener and eventually transported to India, where she meets not only a maharajah with a speech defect but also former versions of herself.

Book 4

Molly Moon is on a mission – to bring her long-lost twin brother, Micky, home. But before she can rescue him she has to FIND him, and he could be anywhere! Luckily Molly’s time-travel talents and world-stopping skills help her in her search . . . until a baby-faced...Read more

Book 5

Molly Moon is unstoppable! She's a master hypnotist, a time-traveller and a mind-reader, and in this sizzling story she harnesses a new power - morphing. Soon she and her twin brother Micky are swapping bodies with ladybirds, rats, even the Queen of England herself! But the fun can't last...Read more

Book 6

Eleven-year-old Molly Moon is known and loved for her incredible powers - hypnotism, time travelling, mind reading . . .

But now something seems to have power over her. Not only has it made her a brilliant musician, it's given her thousands of new fans, all of whom are...

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