Book 1

When the Sax Man Plays

by Yvonne Marrs

Published 11 May 2009
Yvonne Marrs' When the Sax Man Plays Part 2 - Proving It. Despite the immoral odour tainting his big break, Jason is determined to prove himself, artistically and morally. Having fixed the band's win, Rae - the devious executive at Aim Records - is determined to 'fix' their careers by dictating (by 'research') the band's album material. Holding together the band, their contract and his gruelling work schedule, Jason's struggles multiply upon discovering Aim's success is not as first portrayed. Inbetween these dramas, Jason plots their secret wedding, as together he and Georgie prepare to welcome their first offspring into their musical world. Find out what happens when the sax man continues to play.

Book 1