The Story of Jonah

by Mary Auld and Diana Mayo

Published 1 February 1999
Retells the Biblical story in which Jonah disobeys God and, after being swallowed by a whale, repents and is returned to dry land to do God's will.

Daniel in the Lions' Den

by Mary Auld and Diana Mayo

Published 31 December 1999
Retells the Old Testament story of Daniel's unswerving faith in God, even in a den of lions.

Exodus from Egypt

by Mary Auld

Published 1 February 2000
A retelling of the story of Moses and the plagues sent by God to convince the Pharoah to let the Israelites leave Egypt.

Moses in the Bullrushes

by Mary Auld

Published 12 October 2000

Joseph and His Brothers

by Mary Auld and Diana Mayo

Published 1 June 1999