Book 1

Friends Everywhere

by Donna Jo Napoli

Published 1 October 1999
Every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings.
The Little Angel of Friendship is the most popular angel around. He's pretty sure it won't take much for him to earn a few more feathers and get his flying wings. But there's a tough task ahead of him. He has to help a girl named Patricia make new friends.
There's nothing wrong with Patricia. It's just that she has a different way of talking than most children. Plus, she's just moved to a new town. The girl down the hall wants nothing to do with her -- she thinks Patricia is a baby. If Patricia doesn't speak up soon, there'll be one unhappy Little Angel of Friendship -- he needs those wings to fly!
Have you made a friend today?

Book 2

Little Creatures

by Donna Jo Napoli

Published 1 October 1999
How many feathers will it take?
The Little Angel of Freedom can't wait till her wings are full of feathers. Then she'll hear a bell ring, and be able to fly. But to prove she's ready, she has to help out Simone, a little girl with a big problem.
Simone likes to capture animals -- especially bugs. Sometimes they get harmed while they're in her care. The Little Angel has to use her powers to show Simone the right thing to do. But Little Angel's worried -- how will she rescue the captured animals? And will she ever get enough feathers to earn her Angelwings at last?
Be kind to animals!

Book 3

On Her Own

by Donna Jo Napoli

Published 1 November 1999
Earning these feathers might be tough
The Little Angel of Independence is used to working with a friend. But to earn enough feathers for his wings, he'll have to help a girl named Elena -- all by himself.
Wherever Elena goes, her stuffed animal always comes along. But sometimes Elena's toy keeps her from making friends her own age. It's up to the Little Angel of Independence to show her that it's okay to grow up, even just a little bit at a time.
You can do it!

Book 4

One Leap Forward

by Donna Jo Napoli

Published 1 December 1999
A new angel has to be brave.
The Little Angel of Courage is ready for her wings. At least, she thinks she is. But is she brave enough to help Paul with his problem and earn the rest of her feathers?
Paul likes to watch his sister's ballet class. But when he joins a dance class of his own, his friends tell him ballet is for girls. If the Little Angel of Courage can teach Paul to stand up for himself, she might just get those wings after all!
Believe in yourself.

Book 5

Give and Take

by Donna Jo Napoli

Published 8 December 2000
The Little Angel of Generosity loves giving gifts to his friends, especially when he gets a gift in return. And he loves helping children, as long as he earns another feather for his wings. He's still learning what giving is all about when he meets a little girl named Dinah who needs his help.
Dinah likes to give gifts, too. And she really likes to get nice things for herself. But her family doesn't have a lot of money, and she wants things they can't afford -- sometimes she even wants those things badly enough to take what doesn't belong to her. It's up to the Little Angel of Generosity to show her that it's not what you have, but what you give that counts.

Book 6

Not Fair

by Donna Jo Napoli

Published 4 June 2001

Book 7

April Flowers

by Donna Jo Napoli

Published 1 March 2000
The Little Angel of Understanding gets along with everyone -- except for the Little Angel of Learning. He uses big words, and the little angel doesn't always know what they mean. Will the Little Angel of Understanding be able to earn his wings if there are still some words he can't figure out? He'll have to help Maggie with her problem first.
Maggie loves it when her grandmother comes for a visit. But this trip is different, because Gram isn't just visiting. She's going to move in with Maggie's family -- forever. Can the Little Angel of Understanding help Maggie make room for Gram?

Book 8

Playing Games

by Donna Jo Napoli

Published 1 April 2000
Imagine being a little angel...
The Little Angel of Imagination loves to do creative things, like paint pictures and make up stories. And he always comes up with creative ways to help other people. But it will take a lot more than just imagination to help Louie....
Louie's little brother always wants to make up silly games, like pretending the family dog is actually a racehorse. But Louie won't play along -- he thinks make-up games are for babies. Besides, he'd rather watch TV after school than play outside. Is there a cure for this couch potato? The Little Angel of Imagination has a plan that just might work.
Use your imagination!

Book 9

Lies and Lemons

by Donna Jo Napoli

Published 6 August 2001
The Little Angel of Honesty would never tell a lie. But sometimes she does forget to explain the whole truth to her friends. Before she can earn her wings, this little angel has a lot to learn about what being honest really means. And she has to help a little girl who has the same problem.
Celine is tired of being treated like a baby. But she's afraid to tell people how she really feels, so she starts telling little lies instead. One lie leads to another, and another and another. Pretty soon, even Celine can't tell the difference between the truth and the stories she's made up. Can the Little Angel of Honesty help her set the record straight?

New Voices

by Donna Jo Napoli

Published 31 December 1939
Can T.J. accept her own voice?
T.J. has always had a problem with certain words, and rather than say them wrong, sometimes she'd rather not talk at all. Can the Little Angel of Acceptance get her the help that she needs?
Accept yourself.


by Donna Jo Napoli

Published 31 December 1939
Nick thinks he can figure out everything on his own. Why should he have to read books when he can make things up himself? It will take an important lesson from the Little Angel of Learning to change his mind.