Book 5


by Fiona MacDonald

Published 28 November 1991
This series presents a survey of popular topics from their earliest beginnings to the present day. They explain the development of the subject in relation to the needs, skills, and technologies of the people living at different periods of history. This book traces the story of cities, from the earliest settlements to today's huge metropolises, and looks into the future of urban life.

Book 13

Crime & Punishment

by Fiona MacDonald

Published November 1995
Traces the history of crime and punishment from 3200 B.C. to the present and discusses how and why the laws which govern people's behavior were created.

Book 14

Kings and Queens

by Fiona MacDonald

Published 30 November 1995
This series shows how basic elements of our civilisation have developed from their earliest beginnings to the present day. Artwork and simple text present examples of innovation and evolution from many countries. New discoveries are related to the social and political needs which inspired them and to the technologies that made them possible. The book looks at the extraordinary lives and achievements of many of the world's past and present rulers, from mysterious prophets to brave war-leaders, brutal dictators and puppet kings.


by Fiona MacDonald

Published 1 January 1994


by Fiona MacDonald

Published 13 October 1994