How much more profit could you make if you had customers who couldn’t imagine doing business with anyone but you? In your dreams! Tell that to Virgin Atlantic or Harley Davidson.

How great would life be if 40% of your new business simply knocked on your door without you having spent a cent advertising for it? Impossible! Tell that to First Direct.

The companies in this book have managed to turn customers into advocates. Advocates who constantly refer their friends and colleagues to those businesses. Why? Because those companies have created a Branded Customer Experience®. They have managed the relationship to the point where customers can't imagine wanting to do business with anyone else.

How can you gain this unbeatable competitive advantage? Managing the Customer Experience shows you how. It takes you through the step-by-step process of creating Loyalty by Design. It shows you how to re-think your business from the customer’s point of view and then design and deliver a customer experience that drives loyalty and profitability.


by Shaun Smith and Andy Milligan

Published 1 January 2011

More than ever before, business success depends on standing out from the crowd and delivering authentic experiences. The only businesses who can do this are the ones who are brave enough to challenge the industry norms and are relentless in their pursuit of being different. They are bold in thought, bold in execution and bold in measuring their success in new ways.

Bold tells the story of 20 companies who successfully 'do it their way' and will inspire readers to think differently about how they can develop their own business.

In every industry there are some brands that stand out from the crowd. These companies are those that are bold enough to challenge conventional wisdom and in doing so, become market leaders. Smith and Milligan present a fascinating range of case studies from these bold and successful companies, from Southwest Airlines and Virgin to Cirque du Soleil and The Geek Squad, which shows that, whatever industry they're in, these bold businesses share some common traits. The story of each company is told through the words of the executives themselves so readers can get up close and personal with the essence of what makes these organisations tick.