Investing with Young Guns

by James Morton

Published 18 May 2001
Gurus and legends such as Lynch, Soros and Templeton illuminate the history of investment. Yet the last five years has seen inconsistent performance by even the greatest names in the industry who found change a challenge and struggled to prosper. Markets have moved on creating new opportunities. In spite of all the turmoil, a new generation of rising stars has emerged who found new ways to make money even in turbulent markets.  Today's markets combine extraordinary opportunity for gain with unparalleled risk. What has worked in the past can no longer be relied on when the investment environment does not stand still for a single day. To stay ahead investors need to study the next generation who have learnt how to overlay new techniques onto the lessons from the past and have adapted yesterday's tools to capture impressive gains; tomorrow's rising stars use innovative strategies to take advantage of market volatility.  These are the young guns.    Investing with Young Guns showcases twelve of the best investment professionals from around the world. It offers a window into the Buffets of tomorrow, their original insights and techniques, and explains how the most successful young professionals in the industry today have achieved superior returns.  Themes include investment approaches to issues such as e-commerce, technology stocks, intellectual capital, future-brands and human talent; dynamics that are shaping the economy and a constantly changing investment landscape, while not neglecting evergreen principles that continue to be true whatever the prevailing investment fashion.  Eye-opening for both experienced investors and novices alike, Investing with Young Guns examines the secrets and strategies of the next generation and provides a blueprint for successful investing in the 21st century.

This text aims to offer an insight into the indentities of market movers and the source of their success. It gives investors access to the investment philosophies and market tactics which have allowed investment prophets to deliver above average returns, year after year.