Book 357

Emily's Captain

by Shari Anton

Published 1 March 1997

Book 401

By King's Decree

by Shari Anton

Published 1 February 1998

The King Had Granted Them A Year Of Love

Gerard of Wilmont wanted nothing more than to make Ardith of Lenvil his cherished bride. But what if he and his Saxon flame were not blessed with the heir that would ensure their union would last forever?

Torn Between Joy and Despair, the lady Ardith pondered the royal decree that betrothed her to Gerard, Baron of Wilmont, for though he had forever been the lord of her heart, she knew that cruel fate had made her fit to be no man's wife... !

Book 434

Lord of the Manor

by Shari Anton

Published 1 October 1998


His enemy's wife No matter that the Lady Lucinda had borne a son to the man who had almost killed him, Richard of Wilmont wanted her anyway. For the fair widow brought to him a sense of belonging... and a love so powerful it would erase the past. What could she ever be to him? Lucinda wondered.

Surely a knight as chivalrous as Richard of Wilmont had worthier women than she to claim his attention. She was an outcast, and unfit as wife for any man... !

Book 493

By Queen's Grace

by Shari Anton

Published 1 January 2000

Her Royal Blood Was A Curse

Kidnapped by rebel forces in a mad plan to make her queen, Lady Judith Canmore could not wholly mourn her plight. For it reunited her with the Saxon knight of whom she'd dreamed as a young girl, the handsome Corwin of Lenvil. But would he be the answer to her womanly prayers?

Corwin knew the Lady Judith was a prize of power in the eyes of many a Norman lord. Though when he looked upon the lovely princess he had vowed to protect, he saw nothing but the woman he had grown to love... and was almost certainly fated to lose!

Book 547

Knave of Hearts

by Shari Anton

Published 1 February 2001

'Twas Time To Take A Wife-Whether He Wanted To Or Not!

Stephen of Wilmont little desired a life bound to castle keep and crops, but, knowing his duty, marry he would. Yet when Fate reunited him with the proud and peerless Marian de Lacy, his first and fiercest love, he suspected his wandering days just might be over...!

Her Daughters Were Her Joy, Their Heritage Her Secret

But, Marian de Lacy realized, honor demanded the truth be told, for Stephen, knight errant of Wilmont and mirror of her soul, had returned to reignite their passion's flame...!