Well Done, Secret Seven

by Enid Blyton

Published 1 January 1974

The Secret Seven are siblings Peter and Janet, and Jack, Barbara, Pam, Colin and George. Together they are The Secret Seven - ready to solve any mystery, any time - in Enid Blyton's classic series of 15 mystery novels.

In book three, the Secret Seven have a new meeting place - a treehouse! But someone else is using it too. The gang are furious, but then they learn the intruder is in big trouble and needs their help.

Can the Seven come to the rescue?

First published in 1951, this edition features the original text and artwork.

Go Ahead, Secret Seven

by Enid Blyton

Published 31 May 1969

The Secret Seven are siblings Peter and Janet, and Jack, Barbara, Pam, Colin and George. Together they are The Secret Seven - ready to solve any mystery, any time - in Enid Blyton's classic series of 15 mystery novels.

In book five, a sinister-looking man gets George in trouble with the police. The Secret Seven are outraged. Spying on him, the gang are certain he's bad news, but what exactly is he up to?

They need to investigate, and solve the mystery, once and for all.

First published in 1953, this edition features the original text and artwork.

Good Old Secret Seven

by Enid Blyton

Published December 1960

The Secret Seven are siblings Peter and Janet, and Jack, Barbara, Pam, Colin and George. Together they are The Secret Seven - ready to solve any mystery, any time - in Enid Blyton's classic series of 15 mystery novels.

In book twelve, there are strange happenings indeed at Torling Castle! Someone is hiding out in the ruined tower, making the resident jackdaws very unsettled.

Who is it, and what do they want? The Secret Seven are on it.

First published in 1960, this edition contains the original text and is unillustrated.

Look Out, Secret Seven

by Enid Blyton

Published 1 April 1973

The Secret Seven are siblings Peter and Janet, and Jack, Barbara, Pam, Colin and George. Together they are The Secret Seven - ready to solve any mystery, any time - in Enid Blyton's classic series of 15 mystery novels.

In book fourteen, Scamper the spaniel discovers an unwanted visitor, then he protects the Secret Seven as they spy on a thief late at night in Bramley Woods!

What on earth would the Secret Seven do without their dog?

First published in 1962, this edition contains the original text and is unillustrated.

Secret Seven Win Through

by Enid Blyton

Published December 1955

The Secret Seven are siblings Peter and Janet, and Jack, Barbara, Pam, Colin and George. Together they are The Secret Seven - ready to solve any mystery, any time - in Enid Blyton's classic series of 15 mystery novels.

In book seven, the Secret Seven have a fantastic new hiding place, but somebody else has been using it too. Whoever it is going there at night, the gang are going to put a stop it.

They are determined to catch the cheeky intruder, whatever it takes.

First published in 1955, this edition contains the original text and is unillustrated.

Three Cheers, Secret Seven

by Enid Blyton

Published 1 January 1974

The Secret Seven are siblings Peter and Janet, and Jack, Barbara, Pam, Colin and George. Together they are The Secret Seven - ready to solve any mystery, any time - in Enid Blyton's classic series of 15 mystery novels.

In book eight, Peter and Jack go looking for their lost model aeroplane in an old abandoned house and find a lit fire in one of the rooms. Who is living there, and why?

Looks like the Secret Seven have another interesting case to solve.

First published in 1956, this edition contains the original text and is unillustrated.

The Secret Seven Series II

by Enid Blyton

Published 31 December 1994