End Times

by R. Paul Stevens

Published 20 October 1994
The bestselling "Lifebuilders" series have helped millions of people dig deeper into the Bible, individually and in groups. Some tackle a section of the Bible, others take a thematic approach. There are questions for stimulating group discussion, ideas for meeting God in personal reflection, and the new titles and revisions contain extra features.


by R. Paul Stevens

Published November 1995
The bestselling "Lifebuilders" series have helped millions of people dig deeper into the Bible, individually and in groups. Some tackle a section of the Bible, others take a thematic approach. There are questions for stimulating group discussion, ideas for meeting God in personal reflection, and the new titles and revisions contain extra features.

The purpose of this study guide is to seek answers to questions such as how can we learn to live centred in God's loving presence, in a way that allows all our activity to flow from that centre? How can we experience this change of heart that will allow us to know God's presence with us in the midst of the busyness of our lives? The answers are taken from Scripture. We will listen as Jesus calls us to live with eyes wide open to what matters most in life, even as we entrust ourselves to God's care so we can live in the present, where God is with us, providing for us. We will hear the invitation to draw the strength we need for the day from God, the Source of all life. We will learn to open ourselves throughout the day to God as we seek God's wisdom, express our gratitude and begin to rest and rely more deeply in God 's presence with us. We will explore ways of conversing with God in the midst of the whirlwind of life and come to see our day's work as a labour of love for God and as the joyful service of kneeling before all others with Jesus.

2 Corinthians

by R. Paul Stevens

Published 5 April 2002
We despise our weaknesses; the apostle Paul delighted in his. We hate hardships and difficulties; Paul welcomed them as friends. We beg God to remove obstacles from our lives; Paul thanked God for such opportunities to experience his power. Throughout 2 Corinthians Paul turns many of our values upside down. He teaches us that in all circumstances we can rely on God's promise; "My grace is sufficient for you".

Spiritual Gifts

by R. Paul Stevens

Published 22 October 2004
Each of us is unique. And each one of us has been invited by God to participate in his kingdom work. Yet many times we hesitate to serve, uncertain of our gifts and of God's purpose for our life. In these studies we learn how to recognise our own spiritual gifts as well as those of others, and how to practically use them to glorify God in our relationships, our work and the world.


by R. Paul Stevens

Published 11 September 2000
The bestselling "Lifebuilders" series have helped millions of people dig deeper into the Bible, individually and in groups. Some tackle a section of the Bible, others take a thematic approach. There are questions for stimulating group discussion, ideas for meeting God in personal reflection, and the new titles and revisions contain extra features.

Usually when we speak of service we refer to something done for the benefit of others. But in both languages of the Bible, Greek and Hebrew, ministry and service are the same word - ministry is service to God and neighbour. These ten studies, covering examples from Genesis to Revelation, explore service in a variety of contexts: family, creation, society, the city, neighbours, relationships, the church and the workplace. They examine examples of service that were motivated by imagination, passion, faith, hope and love.