Motorcycle Survivor

by Kris Palmer

Published 1 March 2010
Following on the instant popularity of Kris Palmer's charming first book with publisher Parker House, he brings us a wealth of personal experience and a multitude of stories from others. The trend of leaving a motorcycle unrestored is advancing apace - it's almost a cult. Witness the best of show in 'The 2008 Legend of the Motorcycle Concours', arguably now the world's premier show, was 'A 1908 Indian Torpedo Tank Board Track Racer' which had never been restored and was in thoroughly original condition. At the same show, the Elvis Award (for the motorcycle that most embodied the rock and roll theme) went to an unrestored 1923 Norton 16H which huffed and puffed its way on stage! The book focuses on advice on how to live with an unrestored bike plus multiple stories of living examples.