Cross Stitch on the Move

by Jane Greenoff

Published 15 August 1993
Cross stitch is a simple and popular form of embroidery, and therefore suitable for children. Schools are using it as a craft and as a teaching medium - for maths projects, for example - and this is one of a series of books of projects for children under ten....Read more

Cross stitch is a simple and popular form of embroidery, and therefore suitable for children. Schools are using it as a craft and as a teaching medium - for maths projects, for example - and this is one of a series of books of projects for children under ten....Read more

The Cross Stitch Farmyard

by Jane Greenoff

Published 25 August 1994
Cross stitch is a simple and popular form of embroidery, and therefore suitable for children. Schools are using it as a craft and as a teaching medium - for maths projects, for example - and this is one of a series of books of projects for children under ten....Read more

Our World in Cross Stitch

by Jane Greenoff

Published 15 August 1993
Cross stitch is a simple and popular form of embroidery, and therefore suitable for children. Schools are using it as a craft and as a teaching medium - for maths projects, for example - and this is one of a series of books of projects for children under ten....Read more