
by Robert Michael Place and Rosemary Guiley

Published 30 December 2008
From the beginning of human history, there have been magical people with special powers that others look up to or go to for help. Called magicians, witch doctors, medicine men, sorcerers, or witches, all practice shamanism. Shamans are believed to talk to God, the gods, animals, or even plants, and follow a path to wisdom, health, personal confidence, and other good things. In cultures with shamanic traditions, shamans can cure illness, divine the future, locate food, appease restless spirits, influence weather, and guide their people. ""Shamanism"" explores the history of this ancient power from prehistory to the New Age, detailing the different forms shamanism can take in various cultures, what its practitioners do, and what tools are used.Chapters include: The History of Shamanism; Shamanic Tools; The Initiation; A Shamanic Journey; and Shamanism Past and Present.


by Rosemary Ellen Guiley

Published 30 July 2008
No other supernatural creature is as shocking and as frightening as the vampire. Neither living nor dead, it creeps out of its grave to suck the blood of the living while they sleep. About 300 years ago, vampires came out of the shadows into the celebrity limelight, and tales of vampires have filled newspapers, magazines, books, and the stage ever since. ""Vampires"" explores both familiar and little-known territory about the world's creepiest monster, covering true stories and surprising facts about different types of vampires. It looks at superstition and folklore surrounding the bloodthirsty creatures and at their portrayals in the entertainment industry. Some legendary inspirations for vampire mythology, such as Vlade Tepes and Elizabeth Bathory, are also explored. Chapters include: The Making of a Vampire; Hunting Down the Vampire; The V-Files: Stranger Than Strange True Vampire Stories; From Count Dracula to Vampire Lestat and Beyond; and, The Vampire Underground.

Lake and Sea Monsters

by Linda S. Godfrey

Published 30 August 2008
This title features a photograph - of a sea serpent or the legendary Loch Ness Monster. ""Lake and Sea Monsters"" thoroughly explores humanity's fascination with Nessie, sea serpents, and all the other wet wonders of the world, separating fact from fiction by examining ancient legends and myths, contemporary eyewitness stories, and the latest scientific discoveries. Chapters of this title include: Swimming Through Time - Birth of the Sea Monster; Merfolk and Other Scaly Humanoids; Kraken, Giant Squids, and Octopuses; Nessie - Scotland's Sea Monster Superstar; and, Mistake or Fake - Natural Creatures and Hoaxes.

Throughout history, people have had amazing experiences they could not fully explain. From chance encounters with strange creatures to sightings of mysterious lights in the sky, from ghostly apparitions in haunted houses to psychic visions of the future, these occurrences have fueled the idea that entities, powers, and dimensions may exist beyond the everyday world. Each book in the "Mysteries, Legends, and Unexplained Phenomena" series examines one area of the paranormal and provides the perfect starting point for young readers and researchers alike. With case studies written in a lively 'you-are-there' style and objective accounts of both fact and folklore, these books offer an evenhanded look at mysterious phenomena. Each title includes a historical overview, details of key cases or sightings, evidence that supports or debunks them, theories about possible explanations, and field guides for readers interested in conducting their own supernatural investigations.
Designed to inspire readers' imaginations while informing on the known facts in these mysteries, this compelling series is written by occult experts with firsthand experience in researching and investigating the paranormal.

Outside one's body and experience things impossible in the physical world. ""Dreams and Astral Travel"" explores the mysteries surrounding dreams and looks at experiences that suggest that dreams are far more than the result of mere imagination and subconscious thoughts of individuals. Included in this fascinating volume are practical tips on how young readers can better understand their own dreams and put dreams to work for them. The chapters include: The Fall and Rebirth of Dreams; Science Ventures into Dreamland; Night Flying; The Astral World; The Psychic Side of Dreams; and, Dreams That Heal.

Magic and Alchemy

by Robert Michael Place

Published 1 January 2009
The word 'magic' evokes many ideas, from a stage magician performing illusions to the pyrotechnics of witches and wizards depicted in movies and on television. But there is a more practical definition of magic - the attempt to affect the real world, one's self, or other people by tapping into mental abilities and unseen mystical forces. The keys to doing this have been closely guarded in the past, leading to the perception of magic as an occult pursuit. Yet, magic and magical traditions have existed in some form in almost every culture throughout history. Similarly, alchemy is a form of magic that involves harnessing the elements to achieve enlightenment and wisdom. Alchemists hope to transform themselves through its rituals and achieve a higher physical state, and alchemy's experimental nature has influenced the development of modern science. Magic and alchemy share a central philosophy, one that has had a great impact on the progress of Western society. This fascinating new book covers the history, practices, and philosophies of magic and alchemy in Western history, explaining their basic concepts, looking at the tools used by magicians and alchemists, and discussing the rituals associated with each. The chapters include: The Beginning of Magic; The Practice of Magic; The History of Alchemy; The Philosophy of Alchemy; the Synthesis of Magic, Alchemy, and Kabbalah; and, Magic and Alchemy Today.

Spirit Communications

by Rosemary Ellen Guiley

Published 30 October 2009
There are spectacular failures and frauds, and equally spectacular alleged successes. ""Spirit Communications"" explores all of these modes of communication and, wherever possible, separates fiction from fact. The book discusses how spirit communications work and what communicators do, but cautions young readers against do-it-yourself spirit communications, such as entering into trances or using risky devices, since the practices can be dangerous for those who are unprepared. Chapters of this book include: Dreams and Visions; Ritual Trances and Altered States; Seance Spirits; Interdimensional Tools; Psycho-What? Machine Mediums; and, Channeling - Calling the Universe.

"Bigfoot, Yeti, and Other Ape-Men" recounts historical and modern cases and sightings of mysterious creatures from various cultures around the world. Although many claims about Bigfoot and similar creatures are backed by scientific evidence, no definitive proof of their existence has yet been discovered. Chapters of this title include: the Arrival of Bigfoot; the Classic Cases; Wild Ape-men Across the World; Sasquatch Science; and, Famous Hoaxes.

Witches and Wiccans

by Rosemary Ellen Guiley

Published 30 January 2009
This work offers a compelling examination of witches and witchcraft in both folklore and history. While most people are familiar with the classic image of a witch as a frightening figure riding through the night sky on a broomstick, true witchcraft is something very different. ""Witches and Wiccans"" explores witches and witchcraft throughout the ages, in both folklore and history. It discusses what people have believed about witches in different time periods, witchcraft practices from different cultures around the world, and how societies have perceived witches. With this look at the modern Wicca practices, the principles of Wicca, and how they differ from the witches of legend, readers will gain a better understanding of what modern-day practitioners do to commune with unseen forces. Chapters include: The Inquisition's Reign of Terror; Anatomy of a Witch Trial and Execution; Witchcraft in Early America; Witchcraze in Salem; and, Wiccan Celebrations.