This series follows the exploits of the white cat, Pangur Ban, and the Princess Finnglas. In the third book in the series the princess has to undergo Seven Trials to win the kingdom. If she fails the Summer Land will never be free from the grip of the Druids and their powers. Other titles in series: Pangur-Ban, the White Cat Finnglas of the Horses Shape-Shifter, the Naming of Pangur Ban

The Pangur Ban Stories

by Fay Sampson

Published 30 October 1992

Pangur Ban

by Fay Sampson

Published 1 January 1990

The White Horse is Running

by Fay Sampson

Published 31 August 1990
Princess Finnglas and the white cat Pangur Ban set out to recapture an unbroken white colt which, according to legend, may unwittingly force their people into battle.

Finnglas of the Horses

by Fay Sampson

Published 26 April 1985
This series follows the exploits of the white cat, Pangur Ban, his friend Niall and the Princess Finnglas. In the second book in the series, the princess is on a quest to find her beloved lost horse, but this is only the beginning of a great adventure and a continuing struggle against dark forces. Other titles in the series: Pangur Ban, the White Cat Finnglas and the Stones of Choosing Shape-Shifter, the naming of Pangur Ban


by Fay Sampson

Published 22 January 1988
Another in the series following the exploits of the white cat, Pangur Ban, and the Princess Finnglas. In this adventure, a witch is plotting mischief and the white kitten is her victim. He must escape before her charm is complete, but only a greater power can break the spell.

Pangur Ban the White Cat

by Fay Sampson

Published 19 April 2002
Follow the adventures of the white cat, Pangur Ban, his friend Niall and the Proncess Finnglas. Princess Finnglas is in the deadly grip of an evil sea monster and Niall has been bewitched by mermaids. Pangur Ban must save them, but only Arthmael can do that. Who is Arthmael and where is he?