The Tale of Geronimo Grub

by Pat Wynnejones

Published 27 March 1992
Geronimo the dragonfly grub longs to know if there is another world above the pond, but he cannot believe the frog's tales about dry land and air until Geronimo becomes a dragonfly and can see for himself.

Firefly the foal refuses to obey until his childhood friend Frances trains him with love.

Twinette the spider is proud of her talents for spinning webs, until she meets a common mouse at a Harvest Festival who reminds her that she did not make her own talents and should be grateful to God Who did.

Tuppence, a sad little orphan cat, can never be as happy and playful as the kitten Tiffany, until Bethany, a girl who is herself an orphan, adopts Tuppence.