Project X Origins is a ground-breaking guided reading programme for the whole school. Action-packed stories, fascinating non-fiction and comprehensive guided reading support meet the needs of children at every stage of their reading development.
Join Ant in Science Shocks! as he travels back in time to meet some of science's greatest heroes. People who shocked the world and changed it forever.
Each book also contains inside cover notes that highlight challenge words, prompt questions and a range of follow-up activities to support children in their reading.

Deep underwater, far out in space or even in a classroom - robots can go everywhere! Find out where you might see them and what jobs they can do.
Project X Origins is a ground-breaking guided reading programme for the whole school. Action-packed stories, fascinating non-fiction and comprehensive guided reading support meet the needs of children at every stage of their reading development.
Each book contains inside cover notes that highlight challenge words, prompt questions and a range of follow-up activities to support children in their reading.