Hamid Dabashi's 2007 Iran: A People Interrupted is simultaneously subtle, passionate, polarizing and polemical. A concise account of Iranian history from the early 19th-century onward, Dabashi's book uses his incisive analytical skills as a basis for creating a persuasive argument against the views of Iran that predominate in the...

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Hamid Dabashi's 1997 work Theology of Discontent reveals a creative thinker capable not only of understanding how an argument is built, but also of redefining old issues in new ways. The Iranian Revolution of 1978-9 was front-page news in the West, and in some ways remains so today. Though...

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Few works of history make as well-structured a case for the importance of studying continuity, rather than change, than Albert Hourani's A History of the Arab Peoples.

Hourani's work had three major aims: to refute the idea that Arab society stagnated between 1000 and 1800; to study the...

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Kenneth Waltz's 1979 Theory of International Politics is credited with bringing about a "scientific revolution" in the study of international relations - bringing the field into a new era of systematic study. The book is also a lesson in reasoning carefully and critically. Good reasoning is exemplified by arguments...

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by Bryan Gibson

Published 1 July 2017


by Katherine Berrisford and Riley Quinn

Published 1 July 2017

World Order

by Bryan Gibson

Published 5 July 2017

Henry Kissinger's 2014 book World Order: Reflections on the Character of Nations and the Course of History not only offers a summary of thinking developed throughout a long and highly influential career-it is also an intervention in international relations theory by one of the most famous statesmen of the...

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Edward Said's Orientalism is a masterclass in the art of interpretation wedded to close analysis. Interpretation is characterized by close attention to the meanings of terms, by clarifying, questioning definitions, and positing clear definitions. Combined with one of the main sub-skills of analysis, drawing inferences and finding implicit reasons...

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by Riley Quinn

Published 1 July 2017

The Prince

by Riley Quinn and Ben Worthy

Published 5 July 2017

How should rulers rule? What is the nature of power? These questions had already been asked when Niccolo Machiavelli wrote The Prince in 1513. But what made his thinking on the topic different was his ability to interpret evidence: to look at old issues and find new meaning within...

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The Prince

by Riley Quinn and Ben Worthy

Published 1 July 2017

English economist John Hobson’s 1902 Imperialism: A Study was an epoch-making study of the politics and economics of imperialism that shook imperialist beliefs to their core.

A committed liberal, Hobson was deeply sceptical about the aims and claims of imperialistic thought at a time when Britain’s empire held...

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Everyday Stalinism

by Victor Petrov and Riley Quinn

Published 1 July 2017

World Order

by Bryan Gibson

Published 1 July 2017