The Astrologer's Daughter

by Paula Marshall

Published 14 October 1994

Bedding a lady...for his own gain!

Sir Christopher Carlyon yearned to leave the dissipation of court, to have again the settled life he knew before the war. The only way was to accept a disgraceful bet from the Duke of Buckingham. If he could bed the astrologer's daughter, Celia Antiquis, the duke would give him the manor of Latter.

When he met Celia she confounded all of Kit's expectations. She truly was the chaste woman of her repute, but also so very alluring! To seduce her would be a pleasure indeed, but how could Kit ruin her for his own gain?

The Cyprian's Sister

by Paula Marshall

Published 8 October 1993

The Lost Princess

by Paula Marshall

Published 12 January 1996

Reasons of the Heart

by Paula Marshall

Published 8 July 1994

Moon Shines Bright

by Paula Marshall

Published 11 March 1994

Dear Lady Disdain

by Paula Marshall

Published 10 March 1995

Running Blanchard's Bank after her father's death was fulfilling for Anastasia but, even so, she felt there was something missing from her life. Problems with the branch in York, decided Stacy.

She would go herself. But the November weather turned severe and, with her retinue, she sought refuge at Pontisford Hall. It was a nightmare! The Hall was in a parlous state, and the man she thought to be the butler turned out to be Matthew, Lord Radley. He was quite as forceful and autocratic as herself, and the sparks that flew during her enforced stay had repercussions that quite appalled her....

Touch the Fire

by Paula Marshall

Published 11 February 1994

The Captain's Lady

by Paula Marshall

Published 14 January 1994