* Imaginative and active approaches to reading the text including role-play, improvisation and creative writing, to appeal to a range of learning styles and to motivate your students. * Flexible with a wide variety of assignments covering: Pre-1914 prose study; Speaking and listening; Media and Original writing. * A...Read more

* Comparative approaches to both the 'Poems from Different Cultures' and the 'Literature Poetry' clusters. * Strategies for several key poems. * Shows how poems can be taught in pairs or groups. * Approaches that can be adapted for use with other poems. * A teachers' guide to planning...Read more

* The Speckled Band', 'Scandal in Bohemia', 'The Red-Headed League' and 'Silver Blaze'. * Manageable routes through with suggested assignments. * Approaches to individual stories; comparing stories; the context of the stories. * Focused activities on characterisation, writer's use of language, structure, setting and atmosphere, point of view and...Read more