The Borrowers

by Mary Norton

Published December 1952
Miniature people who live in an old country house by borrowing things from the humans are forced to emigrate from their home under the clock.

Bedknob and Broomstick

by Mary Norton

Published 7 July 1942
DESCRIPTION OF BOOK: CAREY, CHARLES ANDPAUL KNEW THAT MISS PRICE HAD HURT HER ANKLE FALLING OFF A BROOMSTICK, SO TO PERSUADE THEM TO KEEP HER SECRET SHECAST A SPELL ON PAUL'S BEDKNOB. HE HAD ONLY TO TWISTIT AND IT TOOK THEM WHEREVER THEY WANTED TO GO - EVEN INTO THE PAST] NO SPELL COULD HAVE BEEN MORE EXCITING, OR HAD MORE UNEXPECTED RESULTS. contents of this vol formerly published as 2 - the magic bedknobs & bonfires andbroomsticks. this edn. is revised and re-illustrated. the magic bedknob first pub'd by dent 1947. bonfires and broomsticks by dent 1947. puffin books 1970. author died 1992 (js 22/1/93).