v. 28

This text provides the reader with an up-to-date overview on moulds and plant fungi in food raw materials, foodstuffs and feedstuffs, the incidence of toxic metabolites of moulds and their significance for the health of both man and farm animals. The introductory chapters are devoted to the influence of mycotoxins on the organism of man and farm animals. The incidence of micromycetes in food raw material and foodstuff (meat, meat products, milk, milk products, cereals, grains of corn, rice, flour, semolina, bread, bakery products, nuts, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, and confectioneries) is covered in detail in subsequent chapters, with feedstuffs (corn, straw, grass, hay, cereals and fodder) also included. This publication contains information on the ecology of some potential producers of mycotoxins, as well as a special chapter devoted to the heat-resistant microcmycetes which cause moulding of tinned products.
Fungi in drinking water and in the working environment is also given attention This text should be a source of information and reference for sanitation officers, veterinaries, biologists, chemists, toxicologists, people working in food and feed industries, authorities in charge of production supervision and students in some branches of natural sciences.