Live Longer

by Sally Brown

Published 18 March 2005
"Even if you feel that you've had a bum deal in the genetics department, you can still live a long and healthy life. In fact, anti-ageing scientists believe that only 1 in 10,000 people die of old age. The vast majority die prematurely of what we've come to term 'natural causes'. In fact, cell structure studies show that biologically our true lifespan is 110-120 years! All the advice you'll find in "Live longer" is achievable and can be fun too! Some of the best anti-ageing strategies involve having sex, drinking red wine and spending time with friends. So, live long and enjoy!" Sally Brown. Keeping healthy and getting to a ripe old age needn't be boring and hard work. By building Sally's 52 inspirational ideas into your daily life, you'll greatly increase your chances of living a longer and healthier life. Sally reveals: How to defuse your genetic time bomb; What your real age is; Help through using herbs; Why booze can be good for you; The importance of less cake but more birthdays; What not to eat; Why sex is such an important factor for living longer.
With the 52 Brilliant Ideas series readers can enhance their existing skills with negligible investment of time or money and will substantially improve their performance over the course of a year. Each of the 52 chapters tackles a single aspect of the subject in an entertaining and lively way. At the end of each chapter is a "how did it go?" feature which allows readers to reflect on the lesson in a classical experiential learning pattern. The tone of each book is personal and informal; readers will feel as thought they are having a one-to-one with their favourite coach.