Pablo Casals

by Jim Hargrove

Published 1 April 1991
Traces the career of the distinguished cellist, including his early years in Spain and the musical accomplishments of his long life.

Dr. an Wang, Computer Pioneer

by Jim Hargrove

Published 1 December 1993
A biography of the Chinese American computer pioneer and entrepreneur whose electronic calculator and word processor revolutionized the business world.

Richard M. Nixon

by Jim Hargrove

Published 1 April 1985
A survey of the life of Richard Nixon, including his youth in California, rise in politics, election as president, and resignation after Watergate.

Diego Rivera

by Jim Hargrove

Published 1 April 1990
Examines the life and work of the Mexican artist who decided that his great purpose in life was to bring art to the masses through the medium of murals.

Mark Twain

by Jim Hargrove

Published 1 March 1984
A biography of the American humorist and writer whose writing greatly reflected the events of his life particularly his boyhood in Hannibal, Missouri.

Daniel Boone

by Jim Hargrove

Published 1 November 1985
Traces the life of the colonial pioneer, hunter, and woodsman, from his youth in the Pennsylvania wilderness to his adventures in the sparsely settled portions of Virginia, the Carolinas, Kentucky, and Missouri.

Nelson Mandela

by Jim Hargrove

Published 1 April 1989
Presents the life and career of the imprisoned leader of the African National Congress focusing on his role in the struggle for black majority rights in South Africa.

Steven Spielberg

by Jim Hargrove

Published 12 December 1988
Follows the life and career of the man who has directed four of the top ten money-making films of all time.

Martin Sheen

by Jim Hargrove

Published 1 October 1991
Surveys the life and work of the actor, known for such films as "Apocalypse Now."