For courses in 20th-century Philosophy, or as part of courses on Contemporary Philosophy, or courses on Epistemology or Metaphysics that take a historical approach, or courses on recent Continental Philosophy or Anglo-American Philosophy.

Designed to be accessible to today's students, this anthology of readings in twentieth-century philosophical classics includes...

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For courses in 19th-century Philosophy or Contemporary Philosophy.

Designed to be accessible to today's students, this anthology of readings in contemporary Western philosophy focuses on Nineteenth-century philosophers who represent a variety of different responses to the issue of the day-i.e., whether or not there was a knowable, nonhuman rational...

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First published in 1961, Forrest E. Baird's revision of Philosophic Classics continues the tradition of providing generations of students with high quality course material. Using the complete works, or where appropriate, complete sections of works, this anthology allows philosophers to speak directly to students. Esteemed for providing the best...

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Esteemed for providing the best available translations, Philosophic Classics: Ancient Philosophy, features complete works or complete sections of the most important works by the major thinkers, as well as shorter samples from transitional thinkers. First published in 1961, Forrest E. Baird's revision of Philosophic Classics, Pearson Education's long-standing anthology...Read more