Book 5

Here's the ultimate motor tool

If you need information about installing, repairing, and maintaining any type of electric motor, this book belongs in your toolbox. Completely revised and illustrated, it covers principles of motor function, choosing and replacing motors, identifying and repairing common problems, performing routine maintenance, and...Read more

Book 8

Use the right tool the right way

Here, fully updated to include new machines and electronic/digital controls, is the ultimate guide to basic machine shop equipment and how to use it. Whether you're a professional machinist, an apprentice, a trade student, or a handy homeowner, this fully illustrated...Read more

Book 10

Master today's toolmaking equipment

Here, fully updated to include new machines and electronic and digital controls, is the ultimate guide to automated machines and toolmaking. Whether you're a professional machinist, an apprentice, or a trade student, this fully illustrated volume helps you work with metal-safely, precisely, efficiently-using today's...Read more

Book 17

A reference you'll warm up to From the background and basics of heating systems to the newest chip-based technology, this first volume of Audel's HVAC Library gives you comprehensive information you need on the job. Whether you're installing, servicing, repairing, or troubleshooting an old or new heating system, you'll...Read more

Book 18

This is your guide to keeping the heat on. Whether you're an apprentice or a veteran HVAC technician, you know that technology changes and you need to keep up. This fully revised guidebook covers everything you need to know to install, maintain, and repair the components that run, regulate,...Read more

Book 20

This guide will keep you cool. Like its earlier editions, this fully updated guidebook is packed with practical information on installing, servicing, maintaining, and trouble-shooting air-conditioning systems. Whether you're an AC professional, an independent repair technician, or a cost-conscious homeowner, everything you need is here. Clearly organized and loaded...Read more

Book 21

Whether construction is your livelihood or you're just planning a home addition, you need to know the latest about materials, methods, and more. From locating the structure on the site to installing roof shingles, this book helps you make responsible decisions about every stage of building construction. Fully updated...Read more

Book 22

Here's knowledge you can build on. Whether you're building a storage shed or your dream house, the same principles govern choosing a site, setting the foundation, erecting the walls, and putting on the roof. This handy how-to guide has been totally revised and updated to cover new building materials...Read more

Book 23

A successful building or remodeling job requires not only a plan, but also the skill to interpret it and an understanding of the mathematics behind it. Whether you are a builder by trade or a do-it-yourself carpenter by choice, turn to this newly updated guide for easy explanations of...Read more

Book 24

Fully updated; the first in a four-volume set of indispensable builders' guides Builders, remodelers, and do-it-yourselfers will love these revised, clearly organized guides. This one walks the reader through choosing, using, and maintaining appropriate hand and power tools for various jobs, then explains appropriate methods of wood joinery for...Read more

Book 25

Know how to put a chill in the air. Here at last is a reference manual devoted exclusively to refrigeration, both home and commercial. Beginning with the essential physics and math, it provides a complete course in maintaining, troubleshooting, and repairing both new and vintage refrigeration systems for home...Read more

Book 27

How to achieve a perfect finish? You already know that the building isn't finished just because the walls are up and the roof is on. Interior details - flooring, stairs, trimwork, cabinets, fireplaces, and painting - finish the project and give it character. This guide clearly explains each step,...Read more

Book 37

Featuring updated charts dealing with the most common situations welding workers face on the job , this comprehensive, pocket-sized reference is based on recommendations from working professionals and covers welding symbols and definitions, types of joints and welds, typical welding station configurations, oxygen cylinders, arc-welding charts, U.S metric measures,...Read more

Book 38

Answers when you need them

When you need to check specs, confirm measurements, or make a quick metric conversion on the job, find the answers quickly and easily--right in your pocket.

Your one-stop reference for
* Conversion tables, electrical formulas, pipe thread standards, and motor ampere ratings
...Read more

Book 42

Book 43

Make your shop safe and smart If you're a machinist or a student of the trade, this second volume in Audel's machine shop library offers concise, to-the-point coverage of everything you need to know. You'll find definitions of all the shop tools; guidelines for set-up, safe operation, maintenance, and...Read more

Book 59

Introducing an Audel "Mini-Ref" for GMAW (MIG) welders Gas Metal Arc Welders or GMAW (Metal Inert Gas) welders would be well advised to take this handy reference with them on their next job. It features crisply illustrated charts, tables, and diagrams, along with rules-of-thumb and quick tips to make...Read more

Book 60

This title introduces an Audel "Mini-Ref" for oxyfuel welders and cutters. Aimed at oxyfuel welders, this mini-reference features crisply illustrated charts, tables, and diagrams, along with rules-of-thumb and quick tips to make information useful in field situations. The topics, which are searchable by process and materials, include oxyfuel gases,...Read more

Book 61

Introducing an Audel "Mini-Ref" for SMAW (Stick) welders Audel SMAW (Stick) Welding Mini-Reference features crisply illustrated charts, tables, and diagrams, along with rules-of-thumb and quick tips to make information useful to welders doing Shielded Metal Arc Welding in field situations. A sampling of the coverage includes, SMAW power source,...Read more