Book 2

Secrets of Wolves

by Dorothy Hearst

Published 31 July 2011

Promise of the Wolves

by Dorothy Hearst

Published 31 May 2008
PROMISE OF THE WOLVES begins 14,000 years ago in what is now southern Europe, and follows the adventures of Kaala, a spirited young she-wolf who is destined to bring wolf and human clans together. Born of a forbidden mixed blood litter and narrowly escaping the fate of her executed brother and sisters, the orphaned Kaala is allowed to join the Swift River wolf pack where she must fight to prove herself and survive against the odds. But when Kaala rescues a human child from drowning, she risks expulsion from her pack and banishment from her home in the Wide Valley. Unwittingly, she has set in train a series of events which threatens the very survival of her species.

Secrets of the Wolves

by Dorothy Hearst

Published 4 January 2011
Set at the end of the Ice Age in what is now Southern Europe, Secrets of the Wolves follows the wolves and humans of the Wide Valley as they take tentative steps to learn to live alongside one another without fighting. With the help of the humans with whom they bonded in Promise of the Wolves, the visionary she-wolf Kaala and her companions from the Swift River pack infiltrate the human tribe and slowly win them over. Then, suddenly and without explanation, their prey begins to leave the valley. Disaster threatens, for when resources are scarce, conflict inevitably follows. How long before wolf and man are once again sworn enemies, and the killing begins? Meticulously researched and thrillingly brought to life, this is a magical journey into the mind of the wolf.

Spirit of the Wolves

by Dorothy Hearst

Published 2 December 2014
Set in Southern Europe at the end of the Ice Age, Spirit of the Wolves follows the visionary young she-wolf Kaala in the Wide Valley as she attempts to bring peace between wolves and humans, for the sake of both species. When some of the Swift River pack resists the attempts at bonding with mankind, Kaala and her closest friends must travel beyond the valley for the first time in their lives in order to find her long-lost mother and bring the Promise of the Wolves to reality. Meanwhile, TaLi, Kaala's faithful human companion, is being ruthlessly pursued by a rejected lover, and Kaala must balance keeping her safe with completing her quest. And with a rival wolf plotting to thwart their plans, Kaala must rely on her loved ones more than ever. But there are many dangers outside of the valley, and the young wolves have much to learn about the world outside their pack. This stunningly detailed journey, seen through the mind of a wolf, details the origins of the relationship between the human race and man's best friend.