Book 1

Mystic City

by Theo Lawrence

Published 1 January 2012
In a Manhattan where the streets are under water and outcasts called mystics have paranormal powers, Aria Rose is engaged to Thomas Foster and the powerful Rose and Foster families--long time enemies--are uniting politically; the only trouble is that Aria can not remember ever meeting Thomas, much less falling in love with him.

Book 2

Toxic Heart

by Theo Lawrence

Published 1 January 2014

The second MYSTIC CITY novel . . . it's Romeo & Juliet in a dystopic Manhattan.

A city in flames. A trust betrayed. A perfect love destroyed. Has Aria lost Hunter, her one true love?

Ever since rebellion broke out in Mystic City, pitting the ruling elite against the magic-wielding mystics, Aria has barely seen her boyfriend. Not surprising, since Hunter is the leader of the mystic uprising, and he'll do whatever it takes to win freedom for his people—even if that means using Aria.

But Aria is no one's pawn. She believes she can bring the two warring sides together, save the city, and win back the Hunter she fell in love with.

Before she can play peacemaker, though, Aria will need to find the missing heart of a dead mystic. The heart gives untold powers to whoever possesses it, but finding it means seeking out a fierce enemy whose deepest desire is for Aria to be gone—forever.

Book 3

Schatten der Macht

by Theo Lawrence

Published 22 February 2015

Schweren Herzens hat sich Aria gegen ihre große Liebe Hunter gestellt. Denn der will um jeden Preis die Ziele der Rebellen durchsetzen und schreckt auch vor Gewalt nicht mehr zurück. Während Aria sich immer stärker zu Hunters bestem Freund Turk hingezogen fühlt, wird sie mit ihren neuen mystischen Fähigkeiten zu einer Hoffnungsträgerin für das umkämpfte New York. Kann sie einen Krieg verhindern und die verfeindeten Seiten miteinander versöhnen? Doch Arias Zeit läuft gefährlich schnell ab. Denn ihre mystischen Kräfte vergiften sie mit jedem Tag ein bisschen mehr.