Fundamentals of Biochemistry

by Donald Voet

Published 13 December 1999
This text uses a more brief and qualitative approach to present biochemistry with chemical rigor, focusing on the structures of biomolecules, chemical mechanisms, and evolutionary relationships. It is written to impart a sense of intellectual history of biochemistry, an understanding of the tools and approaches used to solve biochemical puzzles, and a hint of the excitement that accompanies new discoveries. This edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect the most recent advances in biochemistry, particularly in the areas of genomics and structural biology. A new chapter focuses on cytoskeletal and motor proteins, currently one of the most active areas of research in biochemistry.

Voet and Pratt′s 4th edition of Principles of Biochemistry, challenges readers to better understand the chemistry behind the biological structure and reactions occurring in living systems. The latest edition continues this tradition, and additionally incorporates coverage of recent research and an expanded focus on preparing and supporting students throughout the course. With the addition of new conceptual assessment content to WileyPLUS, providing the opportunity to assess conceptual understanding of key introductory biochemistry concepts and retrain themselves on their misconceptions