Adventures with the Vikings

by Linda Bailey

Published 1 August 1997
In this adventure story the intrepid Binkerton children are transported back to Viking Scandinavia - as stowaways on a Viking longship. Each comic strip provides information about the period, and the volume should support school topic work on the Vikings.

Join the Binkertons --- twins Josh and Emma and their pesky little sister Libby --- as they visit the Good Times Travel Agency for a trip unlike any other --- to medieval times. The trio quickly discover that medieval life isn't all knights in shining armor and stately pageants. Things go from bad to worse when the castle they're in is attacked and flaming arrows and flying cows shower down on them.

Kids will love the book's contemporary comic-book look with its zany illustrations, speech balloons and guidebook. Parents and teachers will love the well-researched story lines and solid factual information.

Adventures in Ancient Egypt

by Linda Bailey

Published 31 August 2000
Adventures in Ancient Egypt mixes fact and fiction for fast, funny and fascinating romps through the past. Kids will love the book's contemporary comic-book look with its zany illustrations, speech balloons and guidebook. Parents and teachers will love the well-researched story lines and solid factual information. In this book, the Binkerton twins, Josh and Emma, and their little sister, Libby, stumble into the Good Times Travel Agency and take a once-in-a-lifetime trip back to Ancient Egypt!

This is the fourth volume in a gripping series of adventure stories in which the intrepid Binkerton children grapple with a different period in history. In Adventures in Ancient Greece the Binkerton trio want to see the next Olympic Games, but instead end up watching the sports in Ancient Greece! But this is not simply an entertaining narrative: the comic strip story provides a wealth of information about the period - thanks to the Good Times Travel Agency guide book, which accompanies the children on their adventure. The guide book provides a running commentary on the time in history, providing the reader with all kinds of well-researched information about the social system, everyday way of life, boats, buildings, clothing and food of the time.