Book 80

Gifts of Grace

by Lynn Bulock

Published 1 November 1999

Book 125

Walls of Jericho

by Lynn Bulock

Published 1 January 2001


After sixteen years of wedded bliss, Claire Jericho yearned to be more than just a housewife. God meant her to do something meaningful-but what? When a ministry to help unfortunate women started up at church, Claire knew this was the answer to her prayers. If only she could persuade her husband....

Ben Jericho still saw Claire as his helpless young bride. But the "sweet young thing" had grown up into a smart and capable woman. Convinced her ministry was just a crazy scheme, Ben was against the project from the start. Could Claire show him this was truly her heart's desire?

Book 144

The Prodigal's Return

by Lynn Bulock

Published 1 July 2001


Laurel Harrison longed to return to Missouri, and when her sheriff father fell ill it seemed to Laurel to be a message from above telling her to leave California behind. And she hoped that by moving back she would finally find a home for her restless heart....

Deputy Tripp Jordan was trying the best he could to fill in for the town sheriff. But under the watchful eye of the sheriff's daughter his every move was challenged. He soon found himself looking for the faith he'd let go of long ago and praying Laurel would realize her heart belonged in Missouri-with him!

Book 181

Change of the Heart

by Lynn Bulock

Published 1 August 2002

Book 204

The Harbor Of His Arms

by Lynn Bulock

Published 1 March 2003

Ever since Holly Douglas' s husband had been killed, she and her twin sons had lived on borrowed time. Now her husband' s killer was back on the streets- and investigator Alex Wilkins was the only man she could count on to protect her.

Accustomed to burning the candle at both ends, Holly soon found her burden eased by Alex. But as she began to let him into her life- and her heart- his piercing eyes soon saw more than she intended as he unmasked her most closely guarded secret. A secret at odds with her strong faith. And Holly was praying to God for the strength to trust in the newfound love she' d found in the harbor of Alex' s embrace.