Book 1


by Stephen Cole

Published 3 November 2003
Kate's family is not what you'd call average. Her parents and brother are werewolves, and when Kate comes of age werewolf law dictates that she will become one too. But Kate is horrified at the fate that awaits her, and can feel none of the pride that strengthens her family in their werewolf state. For the time being she is able to avoid the issue of when she will become werewolf. Until, that is, her parents kidnap Tom Folan, on holiday with his parents, and destined to become Kate's mate A tense, plot-twisting werewolf thriller that will have readers on the edge of their seats. The first in 'The Wereling' trilogy.

Book 2


by Stephen Cole

Published 17 May 2004
Tom and Kate have escaped Kate's werewolf mother and made it to New York. But it's not the safe haven they had hoped for. Something sinister is stalking the streets, preying on the vulnerable - people with no place to stay, no money, no one to ask for help, and before Tom and Kate can find the medicine man who can save Tom from his own werewolf instincts, it looks like they might be next on the menu. This is urban, gritty writing with action from the first page and a fright around every corner.

Book 3

The Wereling III

by Stephen Cole

Published 4 October 2004
A museum in Chicago takes possession of a body remarkably preserved in a peat bog in Germany since the 16th century. The body is badly mutilated and the wounds point to careful torture and execution could the body be Peter Stubbe, the first ever werewolf, executed for black magic and murder? Tom and Kate are drawn to the museum in their desperate hunt to save Tom's family, only to find that Tom himself is being chased and hunted down as the perfect, original synthesis of man and wolf THE WERELING.

Book 3


by Stephen Cole

Published 21 April 2005
Now in Chicago, Kate, Tom, and Blood prepare for a final showdown with Takapa and his supporters, who still hope for a world controlled by werewolves, and in the meantime, Kate and Tom's dangerous attraction for each other grows ever stronger.

Prey #2

by Stephen Cole

Published 17 March 2005
Bk. 1. Wounded: Sixteen-year-old Tom Anderson and seventeen-year-old Kate Folan try to escape Kate's werewolf family - and fight becoming werewolves themselves-by making a cross-country journey in search of a mysterious man who might have a cure.

Bk. 2. Prey: Kate and Tom flee to New York City as they continue to seek a cure for Tom's half-human/half-werewolf state, finding old enemies and new friends there while eluding the police, who believe them to be murderers.

Bk. 3. Resurrection: Now in Chicago, Kate, Tom, and Blood prepare for a final showdown with Takapa and his supporters, who still hope for a world controlled by werewolves, and in the meantime, Kate and Tom's dangerous attraction for each other grows ever stronger.