Smarter Business Start Ups

by Jon Smith

Published 4 December 2004
"Starting a business is possibly one of the most exciting, exhilarating and rewarding experiences available to mankind (except possibly winning GBP15 million on the Lottery!). But it is not easy-it comes with a huge risk to your finances, your friendships and possibly even your health. More and more start-ups are not surviving beyond the first twelve months of operations and for some, the failure of the business leads to bankruptcy. So, with all of the odds apparently stacked against you should your idea remain just that- an idea? No! New businesses can be incredibly successful. Like anything, you have to use the tricks of the trade and ensure your idea stands the greatest chance of success. "Smarter Business Start-ups" will show you how to plan effectively to create the business you want, help kick your competition into touch and fund the right sources of finance. But just as important as this, it will show you how to sustain your passion for the business and have fun! Enjoy!" - Jon Smith. Here are 52 proven brilliant ideas to make sure your business gets off to the right start and stays on track.
Jon will show you how to: raise the right finance; budget and forecast; assess and understand your competitors' strengths (and weaknesses!); take the right advice; market your business creatively; manage cash; cope with setbacks; and much much more!

Web Sites That Work

by Jon Smith

Published 1 January 2004
"Web site design. Sounds a bit mysterious and scary doesn't it? As if only a few chosen individuals have been ordained into some techno brotherhood that speak and write in a different language, punctuated by Java scripts, dreamweavers, CSSs and HTML code. You don't have to have a BSc in Nerdiness or know what Bill Gates had for breakfast to get to grips with web design. Why stick to the tired and out-of-date site you currently have? Ordinary non-techy folk just like you can have a web site that looks great, but more importantly, does exactly what you want it to do without having to learn a programming language. Let me show you how. In Web Sites that Work I reveal all my secrets to help you re-energise or create from scratch your dream site!"- Jon Smith What's it about? This book won't teach you how to build your own website. There are a million and a half technical manuals on the market that will do just that if you're so inclined. What Jon can teach you is how to identify what's wrong with your existing web site, how to go about getting it changed, how to make it look fabulous and at the same time functions good.
In "Web Sites that Work", Jon remarkably reveals: how to assess what you currently have - what works and what doesn't how to get the most from search engines; graphic devices that won't cause your visitors to lob their PC out of the window; techniques to create a community; the best way to make the technology work for you; how to reflect your personality or business through the website; how to sell, inform and market; and, what copy works best for your market? The web evolves and changes virtually daily. "Web Sites that Work" can help you stay in touch, help you communicate your ideas to your visitors and IT people in plain language. Put simply, 52 brilliant ideas to re-energise your website!

Google Adwords That Work

by Jon Smith

Published 1 January 2008
"Google AdWords That Work" is intended for web owners, marketing managers, project managers and anyone interested in promoting their website effectively. It is for the non-techie who wants to be involved - this book will show you how to research, prepare and run your own AdWords campaign and will also give you the tools and the confidence to be able to explain to other team members, third-party suppliers and anyone else you care to talk to, about what it is you want them to do for you. AdWords can offer you a real chance of 'getting big, fast'. This isn't about just throwing a limitless budget at Google and seeing what happens, with your fingers crossed that something will stick - quite simply, through a systematic and prepared campaign you can quite easily grow from obscurity to perceived market leader in a couple of months. "Google Adwords That Work" shows you how.

Websites That Work

by Jon Smith

Published 8 October 2014