A briefer version of Calculus and its Applications (0-13-321449-4), consisting of chapters 0-7 of this work. This text presents calculus through its use in contemporary, real-life applications in the biological, social and management sciences.

For courses in college algebra and trigonometry .


The College Algebra series, by Lial, Hornsby, Schneider, and Daniels, combines the experience of master teachers to help students develop both the conceptual understanding and the analytical skills necessary for success in mathematics. With this latest edition, the...Read more

  • This book, intended for a college algebra and trigonomety course, is the culmination of many years of teaching experience with the graphing calculator. In it, the authors treat the standard topics of college algebra and trigonometry by solving analytically, confirming graphically, and motivating through applications.
  • Throughout the first five...
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As part of their hallmark developmental math series, this revision of Beginning and Intermediate Algebra continues the time-tested Lial/Hornsby commitment to helping students succeed. Designed to accommodate instructors and students who wish to eliminate the topic overlap between separate beginning and intermediate algebra books, this successful text integrates the...

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The Lial/Miller developmental mathematics paperback series has helped thousands of students succeed in math. In keeping with its proven track record, this revision includes an enhanced art program, many new exercises, and three new features: Interpreting Technology, Numbers in the Real World, and Mathematical Connections. In addition, its comprehensive...

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College Algebra

by Margaret L Lial and Charles D. Miller

Published December 1973

This book, intended for a graphing calculator optional college algebra course, offers students the content and tools they will need to successfully learn college algebra. The authors have addressed the needs of students who will continue their study of mathematics as well as those who are taking college algebra...

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Beginning Algebra

by Margaret L Lial

Published 1 January 1976

The Lial series has helped thousands of students succeed in developmental mathematics through its friendly writing style, numerous realistic examples, extensive problem sets, and complete supplements package. In keeping with its proven track record, this revision includes a new open design, more exercises and applications, and additional features to...

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Lial's Developmental Mathematics gives students the tools necessary to succeed in developmental math courses and prepares them for future math courses and the rest of their lives. The Lial developmental team creates a pattern for success by emphasizing problem-solving skills, vocabulary comprehension, real-world applications, and strong exercise sets. In...

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Gary Rockswold focuses on teaching algebra in context, answering the question, "Why am I learning this?" and ultimately motivating the students to succeed in this class. In addition, the author's understanding of what instructors need from a text (great 'real' examples and lots of exercises) makes this book fun...

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Today's algebra students want to know the why behind what they are learning and it is this that motivates them to succeed in the course. By focusing on algebra in a real-world context, Gary Rockswold gracefully and succinctly answers this need. As many topics taught in today's college algebra...

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The Lial series has helped thousands of students succeed in developmental mathematics through its approachable writing style, supportive pedagogy, varied exercise sets, and complete supplements package. With this new edition, the authors continue to provide students and instructors with the best package for learning and teaching support-a book written...Read more


by Margaret L Lial and Diana L Hestwood

Published 22 March 2002
The Lial series has helped thousands of students succeed in developmental mathematics through its approachable writing style, supportive pedagogy, varied exercise sets, and complete supplements package. With this new edition, the authors continue to provide students and instructors with the best package for learning and teaching support-a book written...Read more

The tenth edition of Mathematical Ideas is the best ever! We have continued with the features and pedagogy that have made this book so successful over the years and at the same time, we've spent a considerable amount of time to incorporate fresh data, new photos, and new content...

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Widely known for incorporating interesting, relevant, realistic applications, this new edition offers many more real applications citing real data sources. It also allows for increased visualization and discovery through optional use of graphing calculators. A dedicated World Wide Web site rounds out the teaching and learning package, offering projects...

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Intermediate Algebra

by Margaret L Lial and John Hornsby

Published 1 January 1976

Continuing their 30-year tradition of excellence, this revision of Lial/Hornsby Intermediate Algebra features the best possible text and supplements package using the most up-to-date strategies to help students succeed. One such strategy, evident in the new table of contents and consistent with current teaching practices, involves the early introduction...

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Calculus With Applications was written for the one- or two-semester applied calculus course for students majoring in a variety of fields-business, economics, social science, and biological and physical science. Widely known for incorporating interesting, relevant, and realistic applications, this new edition now offers many more real applications citing current...

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This is the best-selling applied calculus text for the 4 year marketplace. More rigorous than Barnett, Goldstein/Lay/Schneider still provides an accessible text to students and instructor's alike. Integrating more usage of Excel and Optional Graphing calculator examples and exercises, this revision is sure to bring this classic to the...

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This edition features the exact same content as the traditional text in a convenient, three-hole- punched, loose-leaf version. Books A la Carte also offer a great value--this format costs significantly less than a new textbook. AGraphical Approach to Precalculus with Limits: A Unit Circle Approach illustrates how the graph...Read more

Precalculus, Fifth Edition, by Lial, Hornsby, Schneider, and Daniels, engages and supports students in the learning process by developing both the conceptual understanding and the analytical skills necessary for success in mathematics. With the Fifth Edition, the authors adapt to the new ways in which students are learning, as...Read more

Student's Solution Manual Complete, worked-out solutions are given for odd-numbered exercises and chapter review exercises and all chapter test exercises in a volume available for purchase by students. In addition, a practice chapter test and cumulative review exercises are provided for each chapter. Videotapes A new videotape series has...Read more