Quit Smoking for Good

by Peter Cross and Clive Hopwood

Published 21 June 2007
Millions of us want to be quit smoking and live healthier lives, and there's tons of advice out there to help us. But who's got time to wade through it all to find the stuff that works? We need failsafe short cuts to break the cycle of addiction so we can stop the cravings and quit smoking for good. Part of the fantastic new "Brilliant Little Ideas" series, "Quit Smoking for Good" is compact, inspiring to read and fantastic value. We have selected the very best ideas from our database of expert ideas and stripped them down to the absolute essentials. It is simply brilliant.

So youOCOve been made redundant? Join the crowd. Redundancy is now a common life experience, especially in a global recession! Almost a quarter of adults will be affected by redundancy during their lifetime. But you are not a victim. What matters now is how you react to the challenge. Overcoming redundancy will help you make the right decisions at this crucial time and it will help you choose the right future direction. Overcoming redundancy contains advice from survivors - from those who have been made redundant and have not only survived but turned it to their advantage. Many now look back on redundancy, with the benefit of hindsight, as the best thing that ever happened to them. Use this book to learn from their experience and advice. Redundancy is an intensely emotional experience. It can affect your self-esteem and motivation. You are only human if you feel a sense of anger, betrayal or loss when you are made redundant. Overcoming redundancy will help you cope with the social and emotional impacts of redundancy. It will also provide valuable tips on managing the financial effects of redundancy. And most importantly it will help you look forwards, not backwards. If youOCOve been made redundant, reading this book is the first step towards bouncing back. Good luck!"

Heal Your Troubled Mind

by Dr Sabina Dosani

Published 26 March 2007
Many of us want to soothe away our troubles. There's tons of advice out there to help us - a never-ending avalanche of books, magazine, websites and TV programmes. This book, in the '52 Brilliant Little Ideas' series, cuts straight to the heart of the issue. The author provides practical and inspiring advice.

Millions of us want to lose weight, find romance, look like models, kick start our careers and ditch the stress...and still have time for great sex. And when we do there's tons of advice out there to help us, a never-ending avalanche of books, magazines, websites and TV programmes. Who's got the time to wade through this lot to sift the stuff that works from the rubbish? What we need is failsafe short cuts to health, beauty, fitness and success. Six brilliant new little books from "Infinite Ideas" cut straight to the heart of the issue. "Brilliant Little Ideas" are compact, fun to read and fantastic value. We have selected the very best ideas from our database of inspiring ideas and stripped them down to the absolute essentials.