Book 36

Air Gear 36

by Oh! Great

Published 13 June 2017

The final battle for the fate of the world of the Air Trecks is underway, pitting Ikki and Ringo against Sora and Rika! It’s a white-knuckled, no-holds-barred race to the surface through the massive Tower of Trophaeum, and now that the best riders on the planet are finally facing...Read more

Air Gear

by Oh! Great

Published 2 August 2007
Itsuki finally forms his own Air Treck team, but his roommate and legal guardian, all-around hot babe Rika, confiscates his Air Trecks and forbids him ever to skate again! Does she really have Itskui's best interests at heart?

Air Gear 22

by Oh! Great

Published 28 February 2012
With the Gram Scale Tournament fast approaching, Kazu is wracked by a loss of confidence. Unable to watch his old buddy and rival dwindle away into nothing, Ikki sets up a one-on-one duel to teach Kazu a lesson in self-esteem. But with Sora Takeuchi commanding...Read more

Air Gear 21

by Oh! Great

Published 20 December 2011
Ikki Minami is a junior high school student with a dream - to become the best Air Trek rider in town. It won't be easy, as he faces a lot of competition from boys and girls alike. What is Air Trek? Just the latest craze that involves taking a...Read more

Air Gear 19

by Oh! Great

Published 16 August 2011
Ikki Minami is a junior high school student with a dream - to become the best Air Trek rider in town. It won't be easy, as he faces a lot of competition from boys and girls alike. What is Air Trek? Just the latest craze that involves taking a...Read more

Air Gear volume 4

by Oh! Great

Published 3 May 2007
Without a doubt, Ikki is the most fearsome skater around. Too bad he's lost the super high-tech skates that helped him succeed. Worse yet, Ikki's a far better skater than he is a student. He's failing in class and must clean up his act fast in order to compete...Read more

Air Gear volume 1

by Oh! Great

Published 5 October 2006

Ikki Minami is a junior high school student with a dream - to become the best Air Track player in town. It won't be easy, as he faces a lot of competition from boys and girls alike. What is Air Track? Just the latest craze that involves taking...

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Air Gear 32

by Oh! Great

Published 11 November 2014
In the midst of all this fighting, the truth of Gazelle, the "First Set of Wings," is told. In his younger days, Kaito came across a girl who flew like a bird, and he fell in love. Dr. Minami built Gazelle with the very first "heart to fly." The...Read more

Air Gear 23

by Oh! Great

Published 17 April 2012

The final bell has rung, and the Gram Scale Tournament is ready to begin. There's just one problem: Team Kogarasumaru never got registered! The only hope our heroes have is to win a virtual reality battle against a team consisting of... data representations of...Read more

Air Gear 25

by Oh! Great

Published 7 August 2012
In this volume of Air Gear, the unthinkable has occurred: the minds of Emily Adachi and United States President Omaha have switched bodies! Omaha speaks about his desire for Air Treck technology to be used for the good of all humanity. Meanwhile, Team Trident is...Read more

Air Gear 28

by Oh! Great

Published 18 June 2013

The battle between Kogarasumaru and Sleipner rages on, and time is running out! With the stakes higher than they've ever been, Ikki and his friends have to use every trick in the book just to stay alive. Meanwhile, the state of world politics grows erratic...Read more

Air Gear 30

by Oh! Great

Published 4 February 2014
Chaos erupts on board the Colonel Sanders aircraft carrier, as four Air Treck teams and a special police squad converge into battle. Agito is plagued by a pair of foes with vexing reflective powers, and Kururu must search deep inside herself for the inspiration to stand up and seize...Read more

Air Gear 33

by Oh! Great

Published 24 March 2015

Time is running out atop the aircraft carrier Colonel Sanders. While Ikki competes with the powerful Nue on the flight deck to convince him of where his loyalties should lie, the other core members of Team Kogarasumaru are below decks, fighting for their lives...Read more

Air Gear 29

by Oh! Great

Published 29 October 2013

Tean Kogarasumaru has emerged victorious from its quarterfinal match, but the real main event-a clash between mega-titans Sleeping Forest and Genesis- is set to begin at midnight! Without a moment to rest, Ikki and friends must rush to defuse a hostage crisis orchestrated by Sora Takeuchi....Read more

Air Gear 24

by Oh! Great

Published 26 June 2012
The virtual battle rages on, as Ikki and Team Kogarasumaru try to catch a special balloon floating through a fantastical computer-generated arena before their opponents. At stake is not only a priceless opportunity to compete in the Gram Scale Tournament, but the ability to show...Read more

Air Gear 20

by Oh! Great

Published 25 October 2011
Ikki Minami is a junior high school student with a dream - to become the best Air Trek rider in town. It won't be easy, as he faces a lot of competition from boys and girls alike. What is Air Trek? Just the latest craze that involves taking a...Read more

Air Gear 18

by Oh! Great

Published 14 June 2011
Ikki Minami is a junior high school student with a dream - to become the best Air Trek rider in town. It won't be easy, as he faces a lot of competition from boys and girls alike. What is Air Trek? Just the latest craze that involves taking a...Read more

Air Gear volume 7

by Oh! Great

Published 7 February 2008

Ikki Minami is a junior high school student with a dream - to become the best Air Track player in town. It won't be easy, as he faces a lot of competition from boys and girls alike. What is Air Track? Just the latest craze that involves taking...

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Air Gear volume 3

by Oh! Great

Published 1 February 2007
Itsuki is still getting the hang of his Air Trecks - the super high-tech skates that have helped him fight back against the rival skate gangs making trouble on his turf. But when his two best friends end up in the hospital after losing a battle to Buccha, a...Read more

Air Gear 34

by Oh! Great

Published 12 April 2016
On their mission to rescue Rika, Ikki and the crew take to the skies and attack via aircraft! Meanwhile, Agito and Buccha emerge from some fierce fights with a harrowingly narrow victory, and Ikki sees through Nue’s trick and earns the Thunder Regalia core. Though...Read more