King Midas

by Mairi MacKinnon

Published 30 April 2020

King Midas really likes gold. King Midas would like more gold. How can he make more gold? Gold is always a good thing… isn’t it?
Includes a word list, 5 pages of activities and free online audio (British English and American English).

Prince Florian wants to marry a princess... a real princess. He meets lots of princesses, but are they real princesses? How can he know?

Includes a word list, 5 pages of activities and free online audio (British English and American English).

300 headwords, 528 words

Benny, Bert and Boris are looking for some new grass to eat. There’s lots of new grass on the hill, across the bridge – but there’s also a hungry troll under the bridge.

Includes a word list, 5 pages of activities and free online audio (British English and American English).

300 headwords, 545 words

The Golden Fish

by Mairi MacKinnon

Published 1 November 2019

One day, Ned catches a magic golden fish. "You can have a wish," the fish says. Ned doesn't wish for anything, but his brother Sam wishes for more and more...

Includes a word list, 5 pages of activities and free online audio (British English and American English).

300 headwords, 589 words

A finalist for the 2020 Language Learner Literature Award from the Extensive Reading Foundation.

The Story of Stone Soup

by Mairi MacKinnon

Published 30 April 2020

Harry is hungry, but Nell doesn’t want to give him any food. Then Harry says, “I can make soup from a stone.” How can he do that?
Includes a word list, 5 pages of activities and free online audio (British English and American English).

The Enormous Turnip

by Mairi MacKinnon

Published 29 April 2021

Sara loves visiting her grandparents and helping in her grandmother's extensive kitchen garden. When Grandmother tries to harvest one outsize turnip, she needs all the help she can get. A delightful cumulative story, originally from Russia.
With fun activities after the story, and online audio in both British English and American English. CEFR level: low A1. 300 headwords, 459 words.

The Magic Porridge Pot

by Mairi MacKinnon

Published 28 October 2021

Kind Katie shares her bread and cheese with an old woman on her way through the forest. The woman thanks her with the gift of a magic porridge pot - but it's important to give the pot the right instructions, or the porridge will get out of hand... With fun activities after the story, and online audio in both British English and American English.

CEFR level: low A1. 300 headwords, 526 words.

Chicken Licken

by Mairi MacKinnon

Published 10 November 2022
Chicken Licken is convinced that the sky is falling. One by one, he persuades the other birds around the farm to come with him and tell the King. Then the procession meets Foxy Loxy, who seems extremely keen to help them. Why, he even knows the quickest route... A lively retelling for young English language learners of a well-loved cumulative story, with delightful illustrations full of charming detail.