A Far Cry from Kensington

by Muriel Spark

Published 21 March 1988
Mrs Hawkins, a fat young war widow worked for a mad, near-bankrupt publisher in 1950s London. Looking back on shady literary doings and a deadly enemy, anonymous letters, blackmail and suicide, the thin and successful Mrs Hawkins recalls how she came through it all.

Muriel Spark Omnibus

by Muriel Spark

Published 19 July 1993


by Muriel Spark

Published 24 September 1990
The author's 19th novel, which begins and ends at a dinner party. In a chic Islington house, ten people eat salmon mousse around a dinner table while a manservant unobtrusively pours the wine. The talk is of a robbery, a honeymoon and marriage.

Reality and Dreams

by Muriel Spark

Published 23 September 1996

Described by Gore Vidal as 'a novel written at the top of her form and so unique', Reality and Dreams concerns the delirious, egocentric film
director Tom Richards, who is recovering from injuries sustained while falling off a crane on set. His obsessive passion to make a film about a
simple young woman sucks his wife, daughters, lovers and friends into a maelstrom of destruction.
This is one of the 22 novels written by Muriel Spark in her lifetime. All are being published by Polygon in hardback Centenary Editions between
November 2017 and September 2018.