
by Russ Thorne

Published 20 August 2013
The launch of Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight books, followed swiftly by the blockbuster movies, brought a storm of interest in gothic art, films and fiction to the willing minds of an entire generation of young adults. The lure of the forbidden and the pale seductions of the fantastic, romantic imagination are boldy brought to life in this beautiful new book which features the art of Anne Stokes and Jasmine Becket-Griffith and many others, with a fascinating text on the history of the modern vampire in books, films and art.

Unicorns have appeared in mythological and religious texts for thousands of years. Often the case of a mistranslation, or mistaken identity, these mystical creatures have built a legendary history that now revels in the landscapes of modern fantasy fiction, novels and popular culture in general.

This beautiful new book contains a huge range of gorgeous unicorns, painted in many different styles by modern artists, but all treated with the respect and wonder such a creature deserves. See the magical forests, and the life-giving rivers of the elven realms, the flowing tresses of the princesses and white witches who tend the unicorn, see the young and the old, the white and the black unicorns, and submit to this joyful celebration of a mythology brought to life.


by Russ Thorne

Published 15 November 2013
Zombies continue to morbidly fascinate, through books, film and also TV. Major current film releases such as World War Z and television series such as 'The Walking Dead' and 'In The Flesh' are evidence of the public's insatiable hunger to watch, from the comfort of their sofas, these lurching, shuffling, horrifying flesh eaters. This exciting new book wittily takes the reader through the rise of the zombie, from its vampire-like beginnings in early literature, through the birth of Romero's walking dead in Night of the Living Dead to its comical portrayal in 'zomcoms' (think Shaun of the Dead). As you read, enjoy an eye-grabbing selection of artworks portraying the modern zombie in all its post-apocalyptic doom and dread.

Cult Horror

by Russ Thorne

Published 28 January 2014
Featuring text discussing the curious, hilarious, grisly and gripping films that have been awarded the 'cult' badge over the years, alongside iconic and moody film stills and posters, Cult Horror will have you reminiscing over forgotten films and favourite movies, on a journey from demons, devilry and supernatural chills, through psychos and slashers, to body horror, monsters, zombies and vampires. Whether it's the famous faces, shocks and scares of horror classics with cult followings such as The Exorcist or The Shining, to so-bad-it's-good gems like Plan 9 from Outer Space or 70s obscurity I Drink Your Blood, every page reveals the morbid fascination we have with horror.

A popular phenomenon in the modern era, sightings of mermaids have been recorded throughout ancient history, appearing in times of trouble and disaster. These elusive creatures exist powerfully in imaginative literature and have become a source of inspiration for artists throughout the world. This delightful history is illustrated primarily by stunning fantasy work from contemporary artists.