Why Come to Slaka?

by Malcolm Bradbury

Published 20 October 1986

Slaka! Land of lake and forest, of beetroot and tractor. Slaka! Land whose borders are sometimes here, often further north, and sometimes not at all. Land of cultural riches, of a language that is easy enough to learn if you speak Finnish, or perhaps a little Hittite.

In this...

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Who Do You Think You are?

by Malcolm Bradbury

Published 27 September 1976

In seven short stories Malcolm Bradbury takes a subtly ironic look at a variety of targets: American academics, provincial Britain, the aspirations of social workers, psychologists, the well-intentioned. . .

In addition he delights us with an irreverent and hilarious series of parodies of some of the greatest paradigms...

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Rates of Exchange

by Malcolm Bradbury

Published 1 January 1983

Welcome to Slaka! A land of lake and forest, of beetroot and tractor, of cultural riches and bloody battlefields.

Malcolm Bradbury's hilariously entertaining and witty novel, RATES OF EXCHANGE, introduces the small, eastern European country of Slaka. In less than two short weeks there, first-time visitor Dr Petworth manages...

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Eating People is Wrong

by Malcolm Bradbury

Published January 1962
Professor Treece is one of the most respected figures at a small provincial university - kingpin in the world of poetry readings, tea parties and excursions to Stratford. But, with the onset of middle age, he is plagued by a sense of failure. No one threatens him more than...Read more

Malcolm Bradbury's humorous look at Britain's transition to midcentury modernity

After spending a year teaching in an American university in the 1950s, Malcolm Bradbury returned to England only to realize that his native country had become nearly as mystifying to him as the American Midwest. As Britain marched...Read more

The History Man

by Malcolm Bradbury

Published 1 January 1980

The History Man tells the story of Barbara and Howard Kirk, their very modern marriage and their equally radical politics. Set in the fictional world of Watermouth University, Bradbury brilliantly captures the complexities of academic life, from tedious meetings and work-place machinations, to corruption and disruption at the highest...

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The After Dinner Game

by Malcolm Bradbury

Published 15 March 1982


by Malcolm Bradbury

Published 3 September 1987

Unsent Letters

by Malcolm Bradbury

Published 1 May 1988
The postbag of Malcolm Bradbury - academic, author, lecturer, thinker - is crammed with requests for help and advice. 'Please help me with my thesis on the campus novel', 'Please come and talk to my faculty in remote area of the Scottish Highlands', 'Please adapt a classic novel for...Read more