Book 52

These previously scattered texts by Michael Pye are landmarks in the development of the study of religions, presented here as an international enterprise with roots in both European and East Asian culture. Following fundamental papers on method and theory in the first volume, this second volume uses case studies to explore a number of themes such as tradition, innovation, and syncretism. Wider themes such as civil identity, dialogue, and religious education illustrate the general relevance of the study of religions. The seven sections spanning both volumes are well designed for use in seminar assignments.

These two volumes present Pye's methodological, theoretical, and field-based interests in the study of religions. Pye understands the study of religions to be an international enterprise with roots in both European and East Asian culture. This relates to his active role in the International Association for the History of Religions (IAHR), as a former General Secretary and President. The work is presented in seven sections, which could be used in teaching assignments. The first volume begins with a lively introduction on "Methodological Strategies," followed by "East Asian Starting Points," a radical attempt to overcome Eurocentrism, and "Structures and Strategies," which tackles globally significant institutional and ideological questions. The second volume presents selected strands in the study of religions. "Comparing and Contrasting" is followed by "Tradition and Innovation," including reference to specific new religions. "Transplantation and Syncretism" is a definitive package on syncretism and includes new materials from South-East Asia. Finally, "Contextual Questions" explores wider themes of identity, plurality, dialogue of religions, religious education, and peace. These show how relevant the study of religions can be -when it is distinctly and responsibly defined.