Book 1

Closer to Home

by Mercedes Lackey

Published 7 October 2014
New York Times-bestselling authorĀ Mercedes Lackey'sĀ Herald Spy series, set in the beloved fantasy world of Valdemar

Mags was once an enslaved orphan living a harsh life in the mines, until the King's Own Herald discovered his talent and trained him as a spy. Now a Herald in his own right, at the newly established Heralds' Collegium, Mags has found a supportive family, including his Companion Dallen.

Although normally a Herald in his first year of Whites would be sent off on circuit, Mags is needed close to home for his abilities as a spy and his powerful Mindspeech gift. There is a secret, treacherous plot within the royal court to destroy the Heralds.

The situation becomes dire after the life of Mags' mentor, King's Own Nikolas, is imperiled. His daughter Amily is chosen as the new King's Own, a complicated and dangerous job that is made more so by this perilous time.

Can Mags and Amily save the court, the Heralds, and the Collegium itself?

Book 2

Closer to the Heart

by Mercedes Lackey

Published 6 October 2015
"Mags was a Herald of Valdemar. But he had once lived the brutal life of a child slave. When he was Chosen by his Companion Dallen, his young life was saved, and he slowly adjusted to being well fed, educated, and treasured as a trainee in the Herald's Collegium at Haven. Singled out by the King's Own Herald, Mags would thrive in his secret training as a spy. His unusually strong Gift--an ability to Mindspeak and Mindhear anyone, not just others who were Gifted--made him a perfect undercover agent for the king" --

Mags's unusually strong Gift-- an ability to Mindspeak and Mindhear anyone, not just others who were Gifted-- made him a perfect undercover agent for the king. He is betrothed to Amily, and she has found a way to build an army of informants herself, a ground of highly trained but impoverished young noblewomen. When King Kyril turns Mags and Amily's wedding into a low-key diplomatic event, what could possibly go wrong?

Book 3

Closer to the Chest

by Mercedes Lackey

Published 4 October 2016
Herald Mags, the King of Valdemar's Herald Spy, has been developing a network of informants who observe the Court and the alleys alike, quietly gathering information to keep the Kingdom safe. Meanwhile, his wife Amily is growing into her position as the King's Own Herald, though she is irritated to encounter many who still consider her father to be the real King's Own. Nonetheless, she finds it increasingly useful to be underestimated, for there are dark things stirring in the shadows of Haven. Someone has discovered secrets of the women of the Court and the Collegia-and is using those secrets to terrorize them. They are targeting the religious houses of women, too, leaving behind destruction and obscene letters. Mags and Amily use both magic and wits to try and find the evildoer. But just as they appear to be on the verge of success, the letter writer tires of terror. Now they are out for blood...